The government has a strategy in place to build a sustainable and energy-efficient future. Part of that strategy is the use of biomass as a renewable energy heat source for buildings.
Humans have relied on fossil fuels for centuries. We have used fossil fuels as sources of energy for our various daily needs since the start of the industrial revolution in the 1760.
Why do energy retrofits?
Energy retrofits help reduce greenhouse gas emissions from Government of Yukon buildings.
A lot happened in 2022 for the Yukon Green Infrastructure Program!
The Yukon has a long history of using wood as a source of energy. Today, many Yukoners heat their homes with woodstoves. This is especially true in communities where sustainably harvested wood is readily accessible.
By 2030 we want our greenhouse gas (GHG) reductions to be 30 per cent below 2010 levels. Improving building energy efficiency is a critical part of our action plan to meet this goal.
The Government of Yukon is now publishing our buildings’ energy use data via Energy Star Portfolio Manager (ESPM). We hope this data can:
Most modern buildings rely on an automated control system. This system’s job is to make sure:
How do we think about climate change when making decisions on our roads and buildings? This is a complex challenge that needs to balance many considerations.
The Government of Yukon is partnering with Yukon University on a project that'll work to improve the Yukon’s capacity to identify and manage the impacts of climate change on our buildings. The project will run until 2024.