High School Exit Follow-up Study Report 2013 was prepared by the Yukon Bureau of Statistics and is governed by the Statistics Act.
Use this form to report on the training, employment and business opportunities related to your oil and gas licence.
The Yukon snow survey bulletin and water supply forecast is prepared and issued three times annually – after March 1, April 1 and May 1. The bulletin provides a summary of winter meteorological and streamflow conditions for Yukon, as well... more
Information about how the Government of Yukon will respond in the event of a suspected case of anthrax.
Describes the Wildlife Key Area (WKA) Inventory, including an overview of the Inventory, criteria used to identify WKAs, and a list of available WKA products. Also contains the end-user licence agreement.
Fill out this feedback form if you've visited Environmental Health Services.
Aboriginal Peoples NHS 2011 was prepared by the Yukon Bureau of Statistics and is governed by the Statistics Act.
These guidelines explain who can apply for a new oil and gas well licence and how to change an existing licence. They also explain the oil and gas activities that require a licence.
The Yukon snow survey bulletin and water supply forecast is prepared and issued three times annually – after March 1, April 1 and May 1. The bulletin provides a summary of winter meteorological and streamflow conditions for Yukon, as well... more
Use this form to confirm professional designs comply with Yukon building codes and to commit to a field review.
This guideline is for quartz mine operators who must submit an annual post-season summary report.
An outline of the standards ensuring important wildlife and ecological features are given adequate protection during forestry planning and operations.
Lotteries Survey Report 2013 was prepared by the Yukon Bureau of Statistics and is governed by the Statistics Act.
Use this form to apply for a permit to demolish a structure by burning it. You will also need to fill out a general application for an air emissions permit. See more about trapping licences and concessions.
Fill out this application if you've installed a sewage disposal system without a permit before 1999 and want to keep using it.
Fill out this checklist for approval of use of your sewage disposal system. It outlines the photos and other evidence needed.
Fill out this application to get approval to use a sewage disposal system.
Income and Housing NHS 2011 was prepared by the Yukon Bureau of Statistics and is governed by the Statistics Act.
This document shows section 31 of the Carcross/Tagish Self Government Agreement. Section 31 contains the provisions for local area planning.
This is the introductory presentation for the Tagish Local Area Plan. It was presented January 15 and 22, 2014.
This document outlines the Yukon Liquor Board's review on January 15, 2014, of G & P Steakhouse's liquor licence application.
This local area plan guides land use and policy direction for land management decisions within the West Dawson and Sunnydale area. Published by the Land Planning Branch.
Education, Labour, Mobility and Migration NHS 2011 was prepared by the Yukon Bureau of Statistics and is governed by the Statistics Act.
Immigration and Ethnocultural Diversity NHS 2011 was prepared by the Yukon Bureau of Statistics and is governed by the Statistics Act.
Summary Census 2011 was prepared by the Yukon Bureau of Statistics and is governed by the Statistics Act.