
Displaying 8876 - 8900 of 9097
August 1, 2010

Use these sheets to track results during bingo events.

July 7, 2010

A summary on how timber volumes are allocated to commercial operators.

June 18, 2010

This project provides broad scale ecosystem mapping as an initial step to assist the development of management interpretations for the ecosystem resources of the Dawson Planning Region. Specifically, this project provides mapping of... more

May 17, 2010

This guide provides information about best management practices for heritage resources and placer mining in Yukon.

May 5, 2010

This is an example of the document that we issue for call for work bids. It includes information about how successful bids are selected.

May 1, 2010

The Yukon snow survey bulletin and water supply forecast is prepared and issued three times annually – after March 1, April 1 and May 1. The bulletin provides a summary of winter meteorological and streamflow conditions for Yukon, as well... more

April 29, 2010

This guide provides information about best management practices for heritage resources and mineral exploration in Yukon.

April 27, 2010

This framework describes how the results of placer-mining monitoring programs are considered. Monitoring is done on aquatic health, water quality and economic health.

April 12, 2010

Yukon Government Campground Users Survey 2009 was prepared by the Yukon Bureau of Statistics and is governed by the Statistics Act.

April 7, 2010

An adopted person or birth parent can use this form to cancel a disclosure veto. A disclosure veto stops the sharing of adoption information. It also cancels a no-contact declaration. A no-contact declaration stops any contact with the... more

April 2, 2010

If you request a birth certificate, you may not be able to contact the birth parents or the adopted person. They may have filed a no-contact order. If they did, you have to sign the statutory declaration that promises you will not contact... more

April 2, 2010

Use this form to access adoption records from Government of Yukon, Family and Children’s Services, under the Child and Family Services Act.

April 2, 2010

An adopted person or a birth parent can file a no-contact declaration and statement. They do this if they do not want to be contacted by either the adopted person or the birth parent. This form: allows us to release information; and... more

April 1, 2010

The Yukon snow survey bulletin and water supply forecast is prepared and issued three times annually – after March 1, April 1 and May 1. The bulletin provides a summary of winter meteorological and streamflow conditions for Yukon, as well... more

March 30, 2010

Yukon Migration Patterns 1999-2008 was prepared by the Yukon Bureau of Statistics and is governed by the Statistics Act.

March 1, 2010

The Yukon snow survey bulletin and water supply forecast is prepared and issued three times annually – after March 1, April 1 and May 1. The bulletin provides a summary of winter meteorological and streamflow conditions for Yukon, as well... more

February 25, 2010

This is an example of a standard oil and gas lease. The document includes information about royalties, rentals and compliance with legislation.

January 21, 2010

This document provides guidance on who can apply for an oil and gas lease. It includes instructions on how to complete the application for an oil and gas lease.

December 20, 2009

This document lists the liquor licence suspension for River View Hotel, 2009 to 2010

December 7, 2009

This community plan guides the management and future development of the Deep Creek area. Published by the Land Planning Branch.

December 7, 2009

This local area plan guides long term land use in the Golden Horn area. Published by the Land Planning Branch.

December 7, 2009

This local area plan provides a framework for development decisions in the Mount Lorne area. Published by the Land Planning Branch.

December 1, 2009

This document provides guidelines for the full or partial surrender of an oil and gas disposition. It includes information on forms required to process a surrender.

November 19, 2009

Whitehorse Liquor Store Survey 2009 was prepared by the Yukon Bureau of Statistics and is governed by the Statistics Act.

November 13, 2009

Hunter Effort Survey 2000 was prepared by the Yukon Bureau of Statistics and is governed by the Statistics Act.