Phase II: Climate Change, Energy and Green Economy Strategy

This engagement is now closed.

It ran from 2019-11-14 to 2020-01-17.

Check below for where to find results.

Where can I find results? 

Download the What We Heard report

Download appendix A: Response letters from stakeholders

Download appendix B: Complete input

Download appendix C: Quantitative survey results

What’s next

Our Clean Future has been revised and improved to reflect the input received during this public engagement and the final version is available through

As the Government of Yukon follows through on our commitments in Our Clean Future, we will continue to work collaboratively with Indigenous and municipal partners to identify opportunities for improvement and continued partnerships. We will also report annually to Yukoners on our progress toward the targets established in Our Clean Future and the status of each of the Government of Yukon’s actions.

Results at a glance 

We held public meetings in 13 communities;

  • 163 people participated in the meetings;
  • 288 surveys were completed online;
  • 13 First Nations, transboundary Indigenous groups, municipalities and Indigenous organizations participated in one-on-one meetings or submitted comments;
  • 30 stakeholder and industry groups participated in one-on-one meetings or submitted comments.

Participants told us that Our Clean Future is a good start and that implementation is critical and urgent.

What was this engagement about? 

The Government of Yukon has developed Our Clean Future: A Yukon strategy for climate change, energy and a green economy in collaboration with Yukon First Nations, transboundary Indigenous groups and Yukon municipalities.

The strategy sets out a collective vision and identifies the actions the Government of Yukon will take over the next 10 years to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, enhance energy security, adapt to the impacts of climate change and build a green economy.

The purpose of this engagement was to hear thought about our proposed targets and actions, and how we could improve the strategy.

How will my input make a difference? 

Your feedback helped us revise and improve the draft strategy and prepare a final strategy for climate change, energy and a green economy. We have released the final strategy and will begin implementation.

Give your feedback on the engagement process 

How did we do at this public engagement? Tell us by completing a short questionnaire.

Rate our public engagement process