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This form is to help you apply to become a volunteer for continuing care's volunteer services program. Fill it out and return it to the volunteer coordinator. If you are under the age of 18, parent or guardian consent will be required… more

This survey is to gather feedback from volunteers for the continuing care team. It helps to improve the program for future volunteers and residents.

This survey is to help provide improve the volunteer program for continuing care. Return the completed survey by email, mail or in-person.

This form is to be filled out by a parent or guardian. It grants consent for a minor to apply to volunteer for continuing care.

This form is used to get a health approval and inspection for a new facility, location or ownership of a business. This includes beverage production and manufacturing, a care facility, a personal service, and bed and breakfast.

Use this form to submit an Expression of Interest for the COVID-19 Recovery Research Program to get funding for your project. Fill out this form if you want to lead and develop your research project.

Use this application form to apply to purchase alcohol for scientific, industrial or medicinal purposes. 

Complete this form to make automatic payments to the Government of Yukon from your credit card. Individuals, businesses, organizations and governments can apply for this service.

Use this form to request a change to an existing timber resource licence. You can also request a change to a fuelwood licence, forest resources permit or cutting permit. Changes include cancellation, amendment, renewal or an additional… more

Use this form to apply for a commercial timber resource licence and cutting permit. This licence and permit are for timber other than firewood.

Use this form to report the amount of commercial timber you harvested.

Use this form to apply for a fuel wood licence and cutting permit to harvest fuel wood to sell. You can also apply for a personal fuel wood permit.

Use this form to apply to transport timber on a highway in Yukon. You do not need to apply if you're transporting 25 or fewer cubic metres of firewood for personal use.

A person who wants to purchase a personalized licence plate will use this form.

Employers use this survey to provide feedback on the Student Training and Employment Program, or STEP, to help the Government of Yukon evaluate and improve the program.

Use this form to apply to clear trees or remove forest resources for other land uses.

Use this form to apply to remove and use timber you cut during exploration or mining activities.

Use this form to get help to cover costs for medical travel.

Use this order form for the From the Ground Up fundraiser for early learning centres.

Use this form if you are applying to Corporate Affairs to reserve an entity (business) name that contains a term that may suggest a Yukon regulated profession.

Use this service to apply for a rebate if you are an employer paying for your employees to take time off work due to COVID-19. Employers and their employees must be Yukon-based in order to be eligible for this rebate. 

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This form is for anyone who wants to nominate an individual or organization for a Minister of Justice – Community Safety Award.

This is a form that Government of Yukon employees use to report a privacy breach. This form includes assessing risks and mitigations.

Participants and coaches from Yukon communities can use this form to help subsidize the cost of travel within Yukon to Arctic Winter Games trials, championships and for team travel and coaching training opportunities.

If you are a vendor selling Yukon angling licences, hunting seals and/or campground permits, complete and submit this form monthly. This form is bilingual.

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