Government of Yukon reminds rural Yukoners to switch to new satellite internet service provider

The Government of Yukon recognizes the importance of having access to affordable, robust and dependable internet for Yukoners. For the past number of years the Xplore satellite service, formerly Xplornet, has provided internet access for more than 280 rural Yukoners.

Effective September 2023, Xplore internet services will no longer be available. It is likely that customers may experience connectivity issues prior to this date.

Rural Yukoners can secure uninterrupted internet access by proactively exploring alternative service providers.

While the responsibility of managing and regulating satellite internet services ultimately rests with the Government of Canada, the Yukon government has advocated for the availability of these services for Yukoners.


Xplore first announced that they would end services in December 2020. Subsequent negotiations between the Government of Yukon, the Government of Canada and Xplore led to an initial extension until December 2022 and a second extension into 2023.

Media contact 

Kalah Klassen
Communications, Highways and Public Works

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