Yukon students, families and school staff were recently asked to share their experiences and perspectives with learning during the end of the 2019–20 school year. A summary of survey results is now available on engageyukon.ca.
The Government of Yukon asked students, families and school staff to share what worked well and what didn’t while face-to-face classes were suspended. The feedback from the survey will help identify which activities and supports were effective while students learned away from school and will support staff in planning learning opportunities and ongoing instruction for students for the 2020–21 school year.
Follow up surveys will also be conducted during the 2020–21 school year to check in on the effectiveness of learning activities and supports and to adapt learning opportunities as needed.
Thank you to the many students, families and school staff who took the time to share their thoughts with us about their experiences learning during the end of the 2019–20 school year. Hearing the perspectives of students, families and school staff will help to ensure we are meeting the needs of students and supporting educators as we adapt learning during the course of the pandemic.
The survey was sent directly to students, families and school staff on July 15 and was available to complete online or by phone until July 22.
The survey was completed by 2,383 respondents, with participation from 1,944 parents, 231 students and 208 school staff.
Survey participants were asked about:
- effectiveness of activities, supports and practices for learning;
- effectiveness of communication between home and school;
- access to technology and internet to support learning;
- information and resources for school staff; and
- suggestions for improvement.
The survey questions were developed with input invited from Yukon First Nations, school councils, the Association of Yukon School Councils, Boards and Committees, the Catholic Education Association of Yukon, the Commission scolaire francophone du Yukon and the Yukon Teachers’ Association.
The feedback from this survey and follow up surveys will be used in planning for the 2020–21 school year and on an ongoing basis throughout the school year to adapt learning activities and supports as needed.
Dates for the follow up surveys will be determined during the 2020–21 school year.
Matthew Cameron
Cabinet Communications
[email protected]
Kyle Nightingale
Communications, Education
[email protected]