Public engagement begins to update whistleblowing legislation

The Government of Yukon believes that an honest, open and accountable public service is the cornerstone of a healthy civil society. The Government of Yukon is reviewing the Public Interest Disclosure of Wrongdoing Act and would like to hear from the public about potential improvements, such as expanding the Act to cover other organizations and groups.

The Public Interest Disclosure of Wrongdoing Act is a whistleblowing legislation that was created in 2015 to provide a process for employees of public organizations to report concerns of serious wrongdoing occurring in the workplace and to protect them from reprisal.

Yukoners can visit the review of the Public Interest Disclosure of Wrongdoing Act public engagement to voice their opinions and perspectives. The results from the engagement will inform recommendations for potential revisions to the Act. The goal is to complete the review by early 2024. 

As public servants and as Yukoners, we have a vested interest in maintaining the highest possible ethical standards as we work to deliver important programs and services. We believe that an honest, open and accountable public service is the cornerstone of a healthy civil society. Reviewing this Act is a testament that our government takes accountability seriously. We will listen to all Yukoners for their valuable and thoughtful feedback. 

– Minister responsible for Public Service Commission Sandy Silver

Quick facts
  • The Act was brought into force on June 15, 2015.

  • The purpose of the Act is to:

    • facilitate the disclosure and investigation of significant and serious matters in, or relating to, public entities that an employee believes may be unlawful, dangerous to the public or injurious to the public interest;
    • protect employees who make those disclosures; and
    • promote public confidence in the administration of public entities. 
  • The Act currently covers:

    • the Government of Yukon departments, directorates, secretariats or other similar executive agencies;
    • Worker's Safety and Compensation Board, Yukon Development Corporation, Yukon Energy Corporation, Yukon Hospital Corporation, Yukon Housing Corporation and Yukon Liquor Corporation; and
    • other specified public entities, which are Yukon University, the Legislative Assembly Office, the Office of the Child and Youth Advocate and the Office of the Chief Electoral Officer.
Media contact

Renée Francoeur
Cabinet Communications
[email protected]

Uyanga Wren
Communications, Public Service Commission
[email protected]

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