I am very happy to see the report produced by the Independent Expert Panel. The report, Putting People First, presents a bold approach that would position Yukon as a national leader in the health and social care delivery. It would move Yukon toward a more holistic and person centred system.
While there is still extensive analysis that must be done, I believe this is the right direction for our territory and I am very pleased to see such a progressive, modern approach to revitalizing health services in Yukon.
This plan offers a holistic approach to providing health and social services. It aligns with our goal of ensuring that the individual receiving care is at the heart of the system and that all services are geared to support the individual in all aspects of their life.
I would like to thank the independent expert panel for their diligent work completing this report. This panel was appointed in 2018 to review all programs and services delivered by the Department of Health and Social Services and the Yukon Hospital Corporation as well as those funded by the Department and delivered by non-governmental organizations. The panel was asked to look at how services are organized, managed and delivered. It was also asked to look for ways to better serve Yukoners.
The panel undertook extensive engagement with Yukoners and service providers throughout the territory. I appreciate all those who provided input throughout this process. Health care services affect everyone and it is important to our government that Yukon voices are reflected in this report.
I look forward to thoroughly reviewing the plan and working with Department of Health and Social Services staff to determine the feasibility of the suggested changes.
Thank you again to all Yukoners who contributed to this report. It would not have been possible to fully review health and social programs and services without your input. Thank you again to the panel for your hard work, I appreciate your contribution to our territory’s healthy future.
Matthew Cameron
Cabinet Communications
[email protected]