Statement from the Minister of Highways and Public Works on the Nisutlin Bay Bridge replacement project

The Minister of Highways and Public Works Nils Clarke has issued the following statement:  

“The Nisutlin Bay Bridge project is the most significant infrastructure project ever undertaken in the territory. Not only will this new bridge result in significant positive economic outcomes for the territory, local businesses, and the community of Teslin, it will improve safety for pedestrians, drivers and cyclists. 

“Our government remains committed to keeping Yukoners informed about the progress of this important undertaking.

“As with many construction projects, particularly with those of this size, change orders are often necessary. They allow for adjustments to the contract and mitigate the unexpected circumstances that are a reality of construction.

“In this case, a change order stemmed from unexpected and restrictive terms and conditions in the Fisheries Act Authorization (FAA) and Water Licence required for this project. In particular, in November 2022, we received new, restrictive limits on the noise impacts on fish. Due to the timelines in receiving an amended FAA, some activities were pushed into the following construction season and the contractor had to adjust their work schedule. 

“Our government has reached an agreement with Graham Infrastructure LP to increase the construction contract by $23.89 million to a total of $183.8 million to ensure all of these requirements are met.

“In terms of progress now visible to Yukoners, the contractor has installed both abutments for the new bridge, which connect the bridge to the land, as well as two of the six vertical supports, called piers. During this 2024 construction season, the bridge will start to look much more complete as the contractor plans to have all piers for the new bridge completed, part of the bridge decking installed and two new fish habitat areas created.  

“Construction of the Nisutlin Bay Bridge is significant to all Yukoners as it will bring meaningful economic growth to the territory and provide an important link along our busiest trade route. These important investments today will help build a strong, resilient tomorrow.”   

Media contact 

Renée Francoeur
Cabinet Communications

News release #: 