Statement from Premier Pillai and Minister Streicker on Heritage Day

Premier Pillai and Minister of Tourism and Culture John Streicker have issued the following statement:

"For more than 47 years, Yukoners have marked Heritage Day as a chance to recognize and celebrate the essence of living in this remarkable territory. This day provides us with an opportunity to reflect on our territory's history, celebrate its diverse cultures and appreciate the contributions of those who came before us.

“Yukon heritage is not only a collection of artifacts and stories, but also a living system that requires our care and attention. Whether it is preserving historic sites, safeguarding First Nations languages or promoting cultural events, let us work together to recognize and celebrate the Yukon spirit for generations to come.

“This year’s Heritage Day coincides with the 60th anniversary of the Yukon Sourdough Rendezvous Festival North of 60° – a reminder of the deep connections we share with the past and the importance of guarding and cherishing our unique heritage.

“We encourage you to take part in the Yukon Sourdough Rendezvous activities this weekend and to enjoy all that the Yukon offers.

“We wish you all a happy Yukon Heritage Day!”

Media contact

Laura Seeley
Cabinet Communications
[email protected]

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