Premier Pillai has issued the following statement:
"This week I had the opportunity to meet with Minister LeBlanc, Minister Vandal, Minister Joly, and Minister Miller in Ottawa. These meetings provided a valuable opportunity to build on previous discussions with the federal government about issues important to Yukoners, as well as to expand on the conversations I chaired earlier this week at the Western Premiers’ Conference in Whitehorse.
"In my meeting with Minister LeBlanc, we discussed priorities for the Yukon and key outcomes from the Western Premiers’ Conference. I emphasized how our government is working to make our communities more resilient and laying the groundwork for long-term economic growth.
"With Minister Vandal, our discussions focused on Arctic security, as well as the importance of the Yukon’s tourism sector. We had a productive dialogue, particularly on seeking the Minister’s commitment to support our efforts for the development of a Yukon convention centre.
"My meeting with Minister Joly concentrated on the Government of Canada’s engagement in the Arctic and Canada-U.S. relations. I reiterated our support for the Minister’s goals to develop an Arctic foreign policy and emphasized the Yukon’s interest in maintaining our international engagement and working with the Government of Canada to enhance our circumpolar presence. I provided her with an update on the work being done by the Yukon Arctic Security Advisory Council and our territory’s ongoing demonstration of our commitment to enhancing Arctic security. We also discussed the need for investments in dual-use infrastructure in Canada’s North.
"With Minister Miller, we focused on immigration strategies to support both newcomers to Canada and the Yukon business community, and we confirmed his interest in moving forward with a citizenship ceremony in Whitehorse.
"I’m grateful for the opportunity to meet with these Ministers to bring the issues of the Yukon to the forefront. I appreciate the Ministers’ thoughts, discussions and working collaboratively to benefit our communities. I look forward to continuing to work with our national leaders as we learn from one another and building a strong, resilient Yukon."
Laura Seeley
Cabinet Communications
[email protected]