Statement from Premier Pillai on visit with Consul General of the Philippines Arlene Magno

Premier Ranj Pillai has issued the following statement:

“I was delighted to welcome Consul General Arlene Magno of the Philippines to the Yukon today to build on the long-standing cooperation between our jurisdictions.

“We continued discussions about the importance of continued Filipino immigration to the Yukon to support our growing economy, reunite families and develop a strong labour market in the territory.

“On March 18, 2022, the Yukon and the Philippines signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) about the Employment and Protection of Filipinos under the Yukon Nominee Program. The memorandum is a significant move towards increasing cooperation between the Yukon and the Philippines regarding labour mobility. Our two governments are now working together to outline the parameters for carrying out this agreement.

“The Consul General’s visit to the Yukon today highlights our close people-to-people ties and builds on the strong relationship between Filipino immigrants and the Yukon community. The Government of Yukon is committed to building an inclusive society where everyone feels valued and connected, and to ensuring that people who are new to Canada and the Yukon have the support they need to thrive.

“I am grateful to Consul General Magno for visiting the territory and am optimistic that our talks and the continued dialogue between our jurisdictions can support meaningful progress and lasting friendship between the Yukon and the Philippines. I look forward to continuing to celebrate this close connection with the Filipino community here in the territory, as our government supports increased immigration from the Philippines to the Yukon.

“We are so excited about the 75th anniversary of Canada-Philippines diplomatic relations coming up in 2024. This milestone will provide a chance for us to reflect on and celebrate our commitment to cooperation."

Media contact

Renée Francoeur
Cabinet Communications
[email protected]

Myra Nicks
Communications, Executive Council Office
[email protected]

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