Statement from Premier Ranj Pillai and Minister Richard Mostyn on Firefighters’ National Memorial Day

Premier Ranj Pillai and Minister of Community Services Richard Mostyn have issued the following statement:

“Since the day’s establishment in 2017, Canadians have paused on the second Sunday in September to remember firefighters who have fallen in the line of duty.

“On Sunday, September 10, we will join all Yukoners in observing Firefighters’ National Memorial Day. This day commemorates the courage, selflessness and unwavering commitment of firefighters and remembers those firefighters who have fallen in the line of duty.

“On this day, two representatives from the Government of Yukon’s Wildland Fire Management branch are attending the Canadian Fallen Firefighter Memorial Ceremony in Ottawa.

“Flags will be at half-mast from sunrise to sunset at all Government of Yukon buildings in the territory.

“The ongoing wildfire season has dealt a heavy blow to firefighters nationwide. While the losses incurred during this summer will be formally acknowledged at the ceremony scheduled for next year, today serves as a day for firefighters to come together to grieve. It is also a crucial day for all of us to express our gratitude to firefighters for their critical efforts.

“We remain grateful for all they do to protect our communities and loved ones from harm.”

Media contact

Renée Francoeur
Cabinet Communications
[email protected]

Julia Duchesne
Community Services
[email protected] 

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