Three schools to transition to the First Nation School Board

This is a joint release with the Government of Yukon’s Department of Education and the First Nation School Board.

The Department of Education and the First Nation School Board are pleased to announce that the following schools have voted to join the school board starting with the 2023-24 school year:

  • Eliza Van Bibber School, Pelly Crossing, Selkirk First Nation;
  • Ghùch Tlâ Community School, Carcross, Carcross/Tagish First Nation; and
  • Kluane Lake School, Destruction Bay and Burwash Landing, Kluane First Nation.

Elections Yukon ran the referendum and election processes to ensure they were fair, compliant and impartial. During the referendum period – which started on February 16, 2023 and officially closed on February 27, 2023 – community members were able to choose if their school should continue to be operated and managed by Department of Education with a school council, or if their school will be operated and managed by the First Nation School Board.

The Department of Education and the First Nation School Board will work closely over the coming months to ensure a smooth transition in time for the 2023-24 school year. The schools remain public schools under the Education Act and will continue to deliver the British Columbia K-12 curriculum and graduation program, collaborating closely with the Department of Education but following a school board governance model.

Our government is committed to improving the quality of education all Yukon students receive, and our continued work with the First Nation School Board helps to address long-standing concerns about educational outcomes for Indigenous students. This exciting development will benefit all students and enhance their opportunities to learn and engage in First Nations ways of knowing, doing and being.

Minister of Education Jeanie McLean

The First Nation School Board trustees and staff are honoured to assume authority and responsibility of these schools, and look forward to building relationships with school staff, families, community members and First Nation governments to empower the whole community to have greater localized input into their school operations.

First Nation School Board Chair of Trustees Dana Tizya-Tramm

Quick facts
  • The Agreement Respecting Education and the Establishment of a First Nation School Board in the Yukon was signed by 10 Yukon First Nations in June 2021 and allowed for the creation of a First Nation School Board using the processes outlined in the Education Act

  • The First Nation School Board was established in February 2022 and operates eight schools in the Yukon. Five trustees were elected to the First Nation School Board in November 2022. 

  • The Minister of Education accepted resolutions and petitions requesting a school be governed by the First Nation School Board from January 5 to 30, 2023. 

  • Four schools participated in the referendum process. One school community voted against joining the First Nation School Board and will remain under the authority of Yukon Education: Del Van Gorder School in Faro.

Media contact

Renée Francoeur
Cabinet Communications
[email protected]


Krisandra Reid 
Communications, Education  
[email protected]  


Katharine Sandiford 
Communications, First Nation School Board  
[email protected]   


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