Victim Services office in Whitehorse to remain closed until March 25 – services still available through phone and email

Following the break-in at the Whitehorse Victim Services office between the evening of March 15 and the morning of March 16, the Whitehorse Victim Services office will remain closed until Monday, March 25, to allow staff to continue to conduct a proper assessment, identify what information may have been accessed, determine if there are specific risks to individuals and contact impacted individuals directly.

Victim Services staff remain available by phone at 867-667-8500 or by email at [email protected]. Dedicated staff are available to respond to any questions or concerns from clients.

During the office closure, Victim Services staff continue to support their clients in the normal course of business, such as providing support during court proceedings and meeting with clients off-site. It is just the physical office space that remains closed to the public to support the space required for a large-scale records inventory.

Media contact

Fiona Azizaj
Communications, Justice
[email protected]

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