Statement from Premier Pillai and Alaska Governor Mike Dunleavy on Yukon-Alaska relations

Premier Ranj Pillai and Governor of Alaska Mike Dunleavy have issued the following statement:

"On November 25, 2024, we had a productive call with Alaska Governor Mike Dunleavy to strengthen the important relationship between Yukon and Alaska. It is always a pleasure to connect, as we work together to build meaningful cross-border partnerships that benefit both Yukoners and Alaskans.

Statement from Minister McPhee on efforts to enhance community safety in the Yukon

Minister of Justice Tracy-Anne McPhee has issued the following statement:  

“The Government of Yukon is receiving nearly $4 million in new funding for 2023–28 under the federal Initiative to Take Action Against Gun and Gang Violence. Combined with $2.3 million provided from 2018–23, this brings the total to more than $6 million over 10 years to support various efforts by community organizations and law enforcement to combat gun violence and keep our communities safe.

Government of Yukon releases Report on French-language services 2023–24

The Government of Yukon has released the 2023–24 Report on French-language services. The report highlights the government’s strategic initiatives and progress to enhance access to timely services and information in French and support a thriving Yukon Francophone community.

Report highlights include:

Statement from Minister McLean following the Charlottetown Pan-Territorial Ministers and Officials Early Learning and Child Care meeting

Minister of Education Jeanie McLean has issued the following statement:

"Yesterday, I had the privilege of meeting with federal, provincial and territorial Ministers and senior officials to advance shared priorities in early learning and child care. Leading up to this, I also met with Nunavut’s Minister of Education Pamela Hakongak Gross and senior officials from both Nunavut and the Northwest Territories Departments of Education to discuss how our governments can improve outcomes for children and families across the North.

Statement from Premier Pillai on the 75th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the Philippines and Canada

Premier Ranj Pillai has issued the following statement:

"This year marks an incredible milestone in Canada – the 75th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Canada and the Philippines.

"As Canada celebrates this milestone, we reaffirm our dedication to building a Yukon that is inclusive, respectful and prosperous for all. I thank the Filipino community in the Yukon for your contributions and your commitment to making the Yukon a more vibrant place for us all.

Government of Yukon releases the 2023 Yukon Health Status Report

Last week, the Government of Yukon tabled the 2023 Health Status Report in the Yukon Legislative Assembly. Submitted by the Chief Medical Officer of Health, the report offers a comprehensive overview of the health and wellbeing of Yukoners, focusing on key areas such as chronic disease trends, mental health and substance use, social determinants of health and access to services.

Statement from Premier Pillai on Nova Scotia election

Premier Ranj Pillai has issued the following statement:

“On behalf of the Government of Yukon, I would like to congratulate Premier Tim Houston on his success in yesterday’s provincial election in Nova Scotia.

Statement from Minister Clarke on the Office of the Auditor General of Canada’s performance audit of Government of Yukon procurement and contracting

Minister of Highways and Public Works Nils Clarke has issued the following statement:

“Today, the Office of the Auditor General of Canada – OAG – released its performance audit report on Government of Yukon procurement and contracting. The audit reviewed a representative sample of 53 contracts worth approximately $50,000 or less, selected from over 47,000 contracts across all Government of Yukon departments, as well as 10 high-value contracts worth $250,000 or more. These contracts were awarded and completed between April 1, 2019, and October 31, 2023.

Monitoring increased at abandoned Wolverine Mine following detection of contaminants in discharged water

Enhanced environmental monitoring is now taking place at the Wolverine Mine site, in response to a suspected leak at the tailings storage facility.

The Wolverine Mine was an underground mine that operated from 2009 until 2015, when it was abandoned by its operator, Yukon Zinc Corp. The Government of Yukon is now responsible for the mine site and conducts environmental monitoring and inspections of the site infrastructure on a regular basis.

Contaminants were detected in water flowing through pipes beneath the tailings facility that is discharged to the environment.

Government of Yukon releases first Substance Use Surveillance Report

The Government of Yukon has released the first Substance Use Surveillance Report, offering data on health-related harms from substance use in the Yukon.

This report will inform public health interventions to target the most impacted groups; enhancing prevention, intervention, and support efforts, in addition to prioritizing actions in the Substance Use Health Emergency Strategy. 

The report, which will be updated quarterly, presents data from Emergency Medical Services, hospital emergency departments, hospital admissions and the Chief Coroner.

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