The Government of Yukon is seeking input on proposed changes to the Forest Resources Act and Regulation

The Government of Yukon is seeking feedback on proposed changes to the Forest Resources Act and Regulation. The feedback received during the consultation and engagement period will be reviewed by the Forest Resources Act Working Group and final recommendations will be made to the Government of Yukon.

Public engagement begins on new minerals legislation

The Government of Yukon, in collaboration with Yukon First Nations and transboundary First Nations, is seeking public feedback to develop new minerals legislation for the territory.

The new legislation will address every stage of the life cycle of mining activity, from prospecting to the operation of a mine and the eventual closure and remediation of a site.

Statement from the Yukon’s Chief Medical Officer of Health, Dr. Ranade on escalating rates of syphilis

“The Yukon is seeing increasing rates of syphilis across the territory which is cause for concern because it can cause serious, long-term health harms if left untreated. I encourage all sexually active Yukoners to use protection and make testing a regular part of their sexual health routine.

Yukon residential rent index updated and new conditions for ending residential tenancies introduced

As part of efforts to address housing pressures Yukoners are facing, the territory’s residential rent index has been updated. Rental increases in the Yukon are indexed to inflation up to a limit of 5 per cent. Should inflation fall below 2 per cent, landlords can still adjust rent up to 2 per cent.

An Exemption Regulation to the Residential Landlord and Tenant Act (RLTA) has also been introduced that places conditions on ending a residential tenancy in the territory.

Premier Pillai to attend First Ministers’ meeting in Ottawa

Canada’s Premiers will be joining Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for a First Ministers’ meeting in Ottawa on February 7, 2023. The discussion will focus on building strong health care systems across the country.

School communities to vote on joining the First Nation School Board

New 87-unit rental development opens its doors in Whitehorse

This is a joint news release between the Government of Yukon, the Government of Canada and the Right On Property Group.

A Yukon Housing Corporation Housing Initiatives Fund recipient, Right On Property Group, has completed Boreal Commons, a new 87-unit rental development in Whitehorse’s Whistle Bend neighbourhood. This large-scale housing project will help address the need for more rental housing in the Yukon, including for more affordable and accessible units. 

Temporary housing will support Yukoners this winter

This is a joint news release between the Government of Yukon and the Safe at Home Society.

The Government of Yukon is proud to support the Safe at Home Society in providing Yukoners with temporary supportive housing this winter and spring.

Statement from Premier Ranj Pillai on International Holocaust Remembrance Day

Premier Pillai has issued the following statement:

“Today I invite Yukoners and Canadians to commemorate International Holocaust Remembrance Day. The date marks the anniversary of the liberation of the Nazi Concentration Camp of Auschwitz-Birkenau by Soviet troops on January 27, 1945.

Statement from Premier Pillai on the 2022 Arctic Inspiration Prize Yukon finalists

Premier Pillai has issued the following statement:

“I am pleased to recognize all 2022 Arctic Inspiration Prize nominees from across the North and very proud to see two finalists from the Yukon in the running this year. Each year, the Government of Yukon contributes $100,000 to the Arctic Inspiration Prize to ensure it continues to inspire, enable and celebrate the achievements of the people of the North.