
Displaying 1 - 25 of 1491 results

News | October 08, 2020
Starting 2021 medical travel will easier affordable Improvements to medical travel ...
News | January 14, 2021
The medical travel subsidy doubled 150 per day multiday travel ...
Web page | May 30, 2024
cover cost travel emergency air ambulance services also cover travel ... health services not available community medical travel covers interritory outside territory travel ...
News | January 11, 2022
Yukoners returning domestic travel monitor symptoms COVID19 selfisolate sick Travel recommendations from the acting Chief Medical Officer of Health Published 11/01/2022 The Yukon’s acting Chief ...
News | September 24, 2021
... travelling outside Yukon The Yukon’s acting Chief Medical Officer of Health advises caution for Yukon travellers Published ... of Health Dr. Catherine Elliott is advising Yukoners who travel outside the Yukon to be cautious when visiting areas that are currently ...
News | March 11, 2021
Yukon s Chief Medical Officer Health Dr Brendan Hanley issued following ... of Health advising Yukoners against all non-essential travel Published 11/03/2021 Yukon’s Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. ...
Form | March 05, 2020
Use form get help cover costs medical travel YG4840 Medical travel subsidy form Name: Medical travel subsidy ...
Documents | December 29, 2020
... report details feedback public regarding medical travel program Yukon What we heard: medical travel program public ...
Form | March 05, 2020
Use form get help cover costs travel road outside Yukon medical travel YG4857 Out-of-territory medical travel via road to ...
Documents | November 18, 2022
A guide Yukon Insured Health's medical travel program Medical Travel with Yukon Insured Health: A simple guide ...
Documents | October 25, 2023
Yukon territory medical travel vehicle policy Insured Health & Hearing Services Out of ...
News | March 16, 2020
Yukon s Chief Medical Officer Health telling individuals travelled outside ... of Canada in the last 14 days to self-isolate. This includes travel to Alaska.  Dr. Brendan Hanley is directing that all Yukoners avoid ...
News | March 22, 2020
Yukon s Chief Medical Officer Health announces new measures taken ... will be updated three times a week. Non-essential travel outside of territory and into rural Yukon In an effort to limit the ...
News | April 24, 2020
Yukon's Chief Medical Officer Health issued following update COVID19 ... or muscle aches, or loss of smell or taste. People with no travel history but who are experiencing fever, cough, or difficulty breathing ...
News | April 01, 2020
Yukon's Chief Medical Officer Health issued following update COVID19 ... COVID-19 in Yukon. The new case is linked to international travel. The individual followed all proper protocols, self-isolated and is ...
News | April 28, 2020
Yukon's Chief Medical Officer Health issued following update COVID19 ... when sick; not gathering in groups of more than 10; avoiding travel to communities and self-isolating when required. Latest information ...
News | March 20, 2020
Yukon s Chief Medical Officer Health Dr Brendan Hanley issued following ... to hospital about the reason for their visit, symptoms and travel history. Child care programs Day cares and child care centres do ...
News | September 24, 2021
The acting Chief Medical Officer Health Dr Catherine Elliott reports seven ... of their home community. People from Watson Lake can safely travel throughout the territory by following the public health recommendations ...
News | April 08, 2020
Yukon's Chief Medical Officer Health issued following update COVID19 ... and doing well at home. This case is linked to international travel. Four of the eight people who have contracted COVID-19 in Yukon have now ...
News | April 14, 2020
Yukon's Chief Medical Officer Health issued following update COVID19 ... sick. Don’t gather in groups of 10 or more people. Don’t travel to communities unless it’s essential. Self-isolate when you’re ...
News | April 20, 2020
Yukon's Chief Medical Officer Health issued following update COVID19 ... cluster in Whitehorse that is associated with international travel. Contact tracing and investigation continue. Eight of the 11 people who ...
News | April 17, 2020
Yukon's Chief Medical Officer Health issued following update COVID19 ... The new case is in Whitehorse and related to international travel. Contact tracing is underway. Seven of the nine people who have ...
News | March 25, 2020
Yukon s Chief Medical Officer Health Dr Brendan Hanley issued following ... cases of COVID-19 in Yukon. This third case is related to travel outside of Yukon. The individual was tested on Monday, March 23 and test ...
News | October 12, 2021
Acting Chief Medical Officer Health issues strong recommendation around ... Delta now circulating Yukon Acting Chief Medical Officer of Health recommends wearing masks in indoor public spaces ...
News | April 06, 2020
Yukon's Chief Medical Officer Health issued following update COVID19 ... infections in the territory so far are connected to travel outside Yukon or to known contacts. Community transmission occurs when ...