Travel expense report for Siloam Mission tour, July 21, 2017

Department: Health and Social Services, Women's Directorate
Location: Winnipeg, Manitoba
Purpose of this trip: Ministers Frost and Dendys toured the Siloam Mission facilities to understand how a faith-based organization can successfully provide shelter services within a community model. This meeting assisted the Department of Health and Social Services in the program discussion with Salvation Army on the new Centre of Hope.


  • Pauline Frost, Minister of Health and Social Services
  • Jeanie Dendys, Minister Responsible for the Women's Directorate
  • Kluane Adamek, Executive Assistant

Total travel expenditures for participants 

Airfare: $895.96
Accommodation: $0.00
Other (per diems, taxi, etc.): $382.81

Total costs for this trip: $1,278.77

Individual participant travel expenditures 

Minister Pauline Frost (July 21)

Airfare: $0
Accommodation: $0
Other: $81.15
Total: $81.15

Minister Jeanie Dendys (July 21)

Airfare: $895.96
Accommodation: $0
Other: $98.45
Total: $994.41

Kluane Adamek (July 21)

Airfare: $0
Accommodation: $0
Other: $203.21
Total: $203.21

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