Yukon 125 Prize Videos

Watch the three Yukon 125 Prize winners’ videos below. We encourage you to get engaged and follow along on their social media.

It’s Weird Up Here: A celebration of small achievements

Through archival deep-dives, micro-film hunts, museum visits and interviews with seasoned Yukoners, stories will be shared that may not have made front-page news but should have. Think of the project as a yearbook Frankensteined together with a Pierre Berton anthology.

Lead: Tedd Tucker

Team members: Amy Kenny and Rae Mombourquette



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Yukon Alpine Climbing – First Ascent

A climbing duo will attempt to perform the first ascent of an alpine rock route "Radelet Arete" in southern Yukon. If successful, a world-class, high-level alpine rock climb will be established for Yukoners and visitors to enjoy.

Lead: John Serjeantson

Team members: Zach Clanton and Rob Cohen



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The Kluane Compositions

Inspired by Kluane landscapes, a proposal to create a hybrid, 3-movement music composition featuring Southern Tutchone Indigenous, MOR and classical music styles. A grand piano will be helicoptered into Kluane National Park to be featured in the composition's 10-minute music video.

Lead: Matthew Lien

Team members: Diyet van Lieshout, Katherine McCallum, Kirsti Wallace, Melvin Lagersson




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