Apply for a community recreation assistance grant

  1. About the grant
  2. Eligibility
  3. How to apply

  1. About the grant

    Every year, the Community Recreation Assistance Grant (CRAG) offers financial help to communities to cover the basic expenses of providing recreational activities.

    This includes:

    • paying staff;
    • maintaining and operating recreation facilities;
    • running swimming pools; and
    • organizing various programs for people to participate in.




  2. Eligibility

    To apply for funding under the Recreation Act, you must be one of the following:

    • a local authority responsible for organizing recreational activities and in good standing with the Government of Yukon Corporate Affairs; or
    • a First Nation local authority responsible for organizing recreational activities.


  3. How to apply

    Documentation to submit annually

    Cover letter

    • Requesting new year funding. The new fiscal year begins April 1.
    • Brief description of recreation opportunities created with CRAG funding from previous fiscal year.

    Current list of board of directors

    • Position
    • Phone
    • Email

    Finance records

    • Financial statement and balance sheet for the previous year
    • Signed by a board member
    • Show CRAG funding in revenues
    • Show how CRAG funding was spent as presented at annual general meeting
    • Budget for new fiscal year, show CRAG funding in revenues and how the funding will be spent as presented at the AGM

    Submit your documents

    In person: 4061 4th Avenue, Whitehorse
    Email: Signed and scanned documents can be emailed to [email protected]
    Government of Yukon
    Yukon Sport and Recreation Branch(C-10)
    Box 2703
    Whitehorse, Yukon
    Y1A 2C6



If you have questions about applying for small capital recreation funding, email [email protected], or phone 867-667-5254, toll free in the Yukon 1-800-661-0408, extension 5254.