
Displaying 7751 - 7775 of 9087
December 1, 2018

This research plan lays direction for the agriculture industry and the Agriculture Branch to follow when planning and conducting agricultural research. The plan was developed with the Yukon Agriculture Research Committee. The committee... more

December 1, 2018

If you are applying for reissue of your trapping concession, complete in addition to Form A: declaration and application for Yukon trapping concession and/or licence.

December 1, 2018

Apply to reissue a group trapping concession if you are the spokesperson for the group. You will also need to submit a Group spokesperson designation form and Form A: declaration and application for Yukon trapping concession and/or licence.

December 1, 2018

Use this form as a statutory declaration to confirm the details of your construction rebate submission under the Yukon Business Incentive Program.

November 30, 2018

Learn how to protect yourself from Hantavirus, a rare but serious life threatening illness believed to be caused by breathing in the virus carried by airborne particles of rodent urine, droppings or saliva.

November 30, 2018

This strategy and action plan provides a comprehensive approach to making water management decisions in the territory to ensure water for nature and water for people.

November 29, 2018

What We Heard report to improve our regulatory framework, which will ultimately be turned into a new resource road regulation for the Yukon.

November 29, 2018

A description of the most common parasites of freshwater fish found in the Yukon. Also includes information about fishing best practices, food safety, fish life cycles, mercury in Yukon fish and more.

November 29, 2018

Minutes for the November 29, 2018 meeting of the Advisory Committee for Yukon Education on the recap and determining working group members. Learn about the Advisory Committee for Yukon Education.

November 29, 2018

Use this form if you're a government employee swearing an affidavit on behalf of the named government for Land Title Office applications.

November 28, 2018

This report summarizes the results of a two-day workshop held in Whitehorse on June 12 and 13, 2018 to discuss the development of a resource roads regulation in the Yukon.

November 28, 2018

This report focuses on key results from the open, online public engagement survey to collect public input on regulations that govern various aspects of resource roads in the territory. The survey covered a broad range of topics, from... more

November 28, 2018

This report is a summary of funding recipients, projects and outcomes from the Government of Yukon's Community Development Fund from April 1, 2015 to March 31, 2016.

November 28, 2018

This is a summary of the Màn Tl’àt (Shallow Bay) zoning committee meeting that was held on October 30, 2018.

November 26, 2018

This document outlines the Yukon Liquor Board's decision on November 26, 2018, for Well Bread Bakery and Culinary Centre's liquor licence application.

November 23, 2018

This is a PDF on information about how permit hunt lotteries are done in other Canadian jurisdictions.

November 22, 2018

The Yukon Tourism Development Strategy Steering Committee has recommended Sustainable Tourism. Our Path. Our Future. to the Government of Yukon. This recommended strategy lays out a 10-year vision for tourism to be a vibrant, sustainable... more

November 22, 2018

Yukon Fuel Price Survey November 2018 was prepared by the Yukon Bureau of Statistics and is governed by the Statistics Act.

November 21, 2018

This document reflects the feedback received on proposed changes to the Employment Standards Act.

November 21, 2018

This document outlines the Yukon Liquor Board's decision on November 21, 2018, for Dirty Northern Public House and Miner's Daughter Eatery's liquor licence application.

November 20, 2018

Annual Report of the Yukon Housing Corporation for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2018.

November 16, 2018

While condominium developments provide many advantages, unit owners are required to work together to manage the maintenance and repairs to the complexes and to establish rules that residents must follow (e.g., regarding pet ownership,... more

November 16, 2018

A phased condominium is one in which the condominium development is built in a sequential manner in distinct phases. Each separate phase has its own distinct provisions while being developed, but all must fit neatly together after... more

November 16, 2018

The new Condominium Act, 2015 provides that public authorities can develop leasehold condominium housing on lands that they own, including Category A and B Settlement Land and fee simple Settlement Land, if that land is registered in the... more

November 16, 2018

In bare land condominiums, the unit is actually defined by boundaries established in relation to the land itself and a detached building or a row house may be built on that unit. Row housing is a type of condominium development in which... more