Apply for a child care subsidy

The Child Care Subsidy assists families who may not be able to afford to pay for their child to attend a licensed child care centre, family day home or school-aged program.

The amount of subsidy is based on an income test on the combined net income of your family. It takes into account family size, income and the community in which you live.


You can apply for the subsidy if one or more of the following situations apply:

  • You have a full- or part-time job;
  • You are looking for a job;
  • You are attending school or a training program full- or part-time;
  • You are receiving medical treatment;
  • You or your child have a special need based on a professional assessment;
  • You need to meet a short-term family crisis; or
  • You are a grandparent, and are the primary care provider of your grandchild. (Note: You do not need to have legal custody, but rather be the primary adult providing care for the grandchild.)

Apply for the child care subsidy

  1. Complete the child care subsidy application.
    You can also pick up an application:
    • at the Early Learning and Child Care Branch (ELCC) office at the Department of Education building located at 1000 Lewes Blvd in Whitehorse:
    • at your child care centre or your family day home; 
    • by phone, 867-667-3492 or toll-free 1-800-661-0408 ext. 3492; or
    • by email, [email protected].
  2. Make sure you have the required supporting forms and documentation.
  3. Submit your completed application and supporting forms and documents.
    In person:
    Early Learning and Child Care Branch
    Department of Education building
    1000 Lewes Blvd.
    Whitehorse, YT

    Government of Yukon
    Early Learning and Child Care Branch (E-23)
    Box 2703
    Whitehorse, YT  Y1A 2C6

 We require original signatures so we can't accept scanned or emailed applications

Next steps

  1. Your application will be reviewed to determine if you qualify.
  2. You will receive a letter informing you of the decision.
  3. If you are approved, this letter will identify the number of months you are approved for and the amount we will pay on your behalf.
  4. Your child care program will require you to sign a Child Care User Subsidy Eligibility form every month. They will submit the signed form on your behalf along with their billing form. Payment is made directly to the child care provider.

When to re-apply for the child care subsidy

Your current subsidy is expiring

  1. We will mail you a notification letter about 6 weeks before your subsidy expires.
  2. Submit a new child care subsidy application and all required documentation.
    In person:
    Early Learning and Child Care Branch
    Department of Education building
    1000 Lewes Blvd.
    Whitehorse, YT

    ​Government of Yukon
    Early Learning and Child Care Branch (E-23)
    Box 2703
    Whitehorse, YT  Y1A 2C6

Note: Re-apply before the deadline or you could be responsible for child care fees if your application is late.

Your marital status, number of children, job, income or reason for needing child care has changed

  1. Complete an eligibility form indicating the change or contact us by emailing [email protected] or phone: 867-667-3492 or toll free in Yukon: 1-800-661-0408, ext. 3492.
  2. Submit a new child care subsidy application and all required documentation.
    In person:
    Early Learning and Child Care Branch
    Department of Education building
    1000 Lewes Blvd.
    Whitehorse, YT

    Government of Yukon
    Early Learning and Child Care Branch (E-23)
    Box 2703
    Whitehorse, YT  Y1A 2C6

Supporting forms and documentation

Use the following applicable forms and documentation when you apply for a child care subsidy or update your information to reflect your current status.



Looking for work

Obtaining education (school, college and training)

Special circumstances (respite care, health professional recommendation, etc.)


    Child care subsidy rates

    Maximum subsidy rates are based on the child's age, hours in care and special needs. They are established on the basis of a child needing part-time or full-time care. The anticipated number of child care hours will provide the basis for setting the level of subsidy available.


    Child: 12 years and under and special needs children 16 years and under
    Part-time care: Attendance is less than 100 hours a month
    Full-time care: Attendance is 100 hours or more a month.

    *0-18 months children: The maximum rate payable for a child under 18 months will be paid up to and including the month when the child becomes 18 months old. The new subsidy rate for a toddler will begin the following month.

    **Special needs children: Children aged 16 years and under are eligible for a maximum monthly subsidy of $688 while attending over 100 hours of child care a month; $517 while attending 80 to 100 hours a month and $347 while attending less than 80 hours a month.

    Adjustments for holidays: If a school age or full-time kindergarten child attends a child care program for over 100 hours a month the subsidy will be paid at the full-time rate.


    For questions about applying for the child care subsidy email [email protected] or phone: 867-667-3492 or toll free in Yukon: 1-800-661-0408, ext. 3492.​

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