The Department of Education is committed to transparency, accountability and consistency in reporting data about the education system. The department publishes graduation rates each year in two reports, the How Are We Doing Report and the Yukon Wide Report
The How Are We Doing Report was designed collaboratively with Yukon First Nations and other partners. It provides detailed analyses, including rural–urban and self-identification breakdowns and includes the Grade 12 Dogwood, Adult Dogwood and six-Year graduation rates.
The Yukon Wide Report offers a high-level summary of student performance across Yukon and includes the Grade 12 Dogwood and six-Year graduation rate.
The department developed the methodology to report on graduation rates based on British Columbia’s model. This decision was made as the Yukon uses the same curriculum and student information system as British Columbia. It is important to use a consistent method so graduation rates in the Yukon can be compared year-to-year and can be compared to other jurisdictions’ rates accurately.
The department recognizes that the Yukon’s three school authorities (Yukon Education, First Nation School Board and Commission scholaire francophone du Yukon) are working to support all students, inclusive of Indigenous students, to reach successful graduation rates.
The department will be working with the three school authorities that report on graduation data to review the concerns recently raised by the Yukon First Nation Education Directorate and will also be working to review their methodology and calculations.
The Government of Yukon remains committed to collaboration with the Yukon First Nation Education Directorate and our other education partners through established data governance channels, including the First Nations Education Commission’s Data Working Group.
Zara Soukoroff
Communications, Education
[email protected]