Policy benefits
Everyone in the Yukon can benefit from the Yukon First Nations Procurement Policy. There are many opportunities available.

Yukon First Nations businesses
Bid value reductions (BVR)
Bid value reductions are a tool within the policy that increase the competitiveness of bids that have Yukon First Nations participation. Yukon First Nations businesses are eligible for 3 different types of bid value reductions:
- the level of Yukon First Nations ownership of a bidder or proponent;
- whether the business' primary location is outside of Whitehorse and in the traditional territory where the work is taking place; and,
- the value of Yukon First Nations labour.
Yukon First Nations business registry
Yukon First Nations businesses can apply to have their businesses listed in the registry. This is a way for businesses to market their services to industry and the Government of Yukon.
Set asides
This is when we create procurements where the competition is limited to 2 or more Yukon First Nations businesses. These businesses must be listed in the Yukon First Nations Business Registry.
Community contract forecast
The community contract forecast shows projects that are planned within each nation's traditional territory. Businesses can access the forecast by asking their respective government or the Procurement Support Centre. This service helps Yukon First Nations businesses to:
- plan for an upcoming project;
- consider opportunities for worker development and training; and
- be aware of the activities taking place in their traditional territory.
The policy encourages project managers to break apart large contracts into smaller contracts. This way small businesses can bid on contracts.

Yukon First Nations Citizens
Workforce development plan
These plans increase the number and quality of jobs available to Yukon First Nations Citizens. For certain projects, the contractor will need to create a development plan that aims to increase Yukon First Nations employment and training opportunities.
Bid value reductions
A contractor can use bid value reductions for the wages they are paying a Yukon First Nation employee. This incentivizes contractors to employ Yukon First Nations Citizens.
Community contract forecast
The community contract forecast shows projects that are planned within each nation's traditional territory. Citizens can access the forecast by asking their respective government or the Procurement Support Centre. Sharing the forecast helps Citizens:
- plan for upcoming projects;
- consider opportunities for worker development and training; and
- be aware of the activities taking place in their traditional territory.
Labour levels
When a contractor employs a Yukon First Nations Citizen for a value-driven procurement the contractor can receive extra points in their tender evaluation.

Yukon First Nations governments
Community development agreements (CDA)
- governments;
- businesses; and
- Citizens.
Annual capital spending plan meetings
The Government of Yukon will meet each year with each Yukon First Nations government to discuss capital projects happening within their traditional territories. This will help Yukon First Nation governments, businesses and citizens to:
- prepare for upcoming projects; and
- consider opportunities for future community development agreements or workforce development opportunities.
Annual community contract forecasts
The Government of Yukon will provide a forecast of projects to communities. This will help Yukon First Nations governments, businesses and Citizens to:
- prepare for upcoming projects; and
- consider opportunities for future community development agreements or workforce development opportunities.

Bid value reductions (BVR)
Bid value reductions are a tool within the policy that increase the competitiveness of bids that have Yukon First Nations participation. Industry can use bid value reductions in 2 different ways:
- employing Yukon First Nations Citizens; or
- subcontracting to a Yukon First Nations business.
Yukon First Nations business registry
Industry can use this registry to find Yukon First Nations businesses for subcontracts or partnerships.
Value-driven procurements
On value-driven procurements, a business can earn up to 20 per cent of the available points on a tender by employing Yukon First Nations workers.