As a landlord or tenant, you should understand your rights and obligations and the terms and conditions of your tenancy agreement.
If a disagreement with your landlord or tenant cannot be resolved informally, you can apply for dispute resolution.
View the resolving a dispute fact sheet.
Apply for dispute resolution
A landlord or tenant can apply for dispute resolution.
- Complete an application form
- Submit the application
In person: 307 Black Street, 1st floor in Whitehorse. Our office hours are from Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Email: [email protected]
Please follow up with us to ensure we received your application and payment.
Government of Yukon
Residential Tenancies Office (C-7)
Box 2703
Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2C6 - Pay the application fee of $50 or apply for a fee waiver.
Review the applications for dispute resolution info sheet.
Learn how to apply for dispute resolution
Tips for filling out the application
- Be clear and concise in your submissions. Your submissions should be relevant to the issue in dispute. Avoid making character attacks.
- Meet all applicable deadlines or contact the adjudicator or mediator if you require an extension.
- Carefully read all the documents and evidence sent to you.
- Ask questions if you do not understand the process.
After we accept your application
- Once you apply for dispute resolution, you're considered the "applicant". The other party involved (your landlord or tenant) is the "respondent".
- The adjudicator will set a hearing date.
- We'll prepare a hearing package for you to serve the respondent.
- After you serve the respondent, submit a declaration of service form:
After you serve the hearing package
The respondent will have time to file their own submissions.
The respondent will serve their submissions on the applicant and provide us with a completed declaration of service form:
- Tenant serving landlord declaration of service form
- Landlord serving tenant declaration of service form
The hearing process
The adjudicator will give the parties details and dates for the hearing process.
The hearing process gives the applicant and respondent a fair opportunity to be heard.
Flowchart for the dispute resolution process (click to enlarge)

After the hearing process concludes
The adjudicator will issue a final and binding written decision and order which can be filed in Yukon Supreme Court.
Review the orders and decisions info sheet.
Review of a decision or order
If you believe there is an error with the decision, you may apply for review.
A review is not a rehearing of the dispute or a chance to re-argue your case.
A review will only be accepted if:
- you were unable to participate in the hearing for reasons out of your control;
- you have new evidence that was not available at the time; or
- you have evidence that the decision was obtained by fraud.
The fee to apply for a review is $75. If you cannot afford the fee, apply for a fee waiver.
Complete the application for review form.
Look at past decisions
In preparing for dispute resolution, it’s helpful to look at past decisions to understand why some disputes were successful, while others were not.
Review past decisions and orders of the Yukon Residential Tenancies Office.
Our drop box is open Monday through Friday, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.
Phone: 867-667-5944, toll free in the Yukon 1-800-661-0408, extension 5944
Email: [email protected]
Physical address: 307 Black Street, 1st floor, Whitehorse
Government of Yukon
Residential Tenancies Office (C-7)
Box 2703,
Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2C6