Learn about bid challenges

What is a bid challenge?

You can make a bid challenge if you feel that during the tendering process a procurement authority did not followed the:

  • Contracting and Procurement Regulation;
  • General Administration Manual (GAM) 2.6; or
  • Yukon First Nations Procurement Policy.

As bidder or proponent you can submit a challenge about the tendering and evaluation process on all requests for bids and proposals issued under:

  • the Contracting and Procurement Regulation; and
  • GAM 2.6 Procurement Policy (including section 11 Yukon First Nations Procurement Policy).

An exception to this are decisions made under section 6 (exceptions) of the policy.

Who can register a bid challenge?

Any bidder or proponent can register a complaint. Before taking that step, we encourage you to discuss your complaint with the procurement authority. We'll work to resolve issues before an official compliant is registered, if possible.

What's the purpose of registering a bid challenge?

Bid challenges help us find out if errors or abuse occurred during a tender process. If that happened, we make sure that it does not happen in the future. The primary goal of this process is to support the improvement of government procurement practices.

Is there a time limit for registering a complaint?

You can register a complaint within whichever period is later:

  • up to 60 calendar days after the tender closing date; or
  • up to 15 calendar days following the award of the contract or standing offer agreement.

In the event of an extension of a standing offer agreement, the time limit is up to 30 calendar days following the date of extension.

Information about hearings

For more information about the hearing process, see our Bid Challenge Process brochure.

How to submit a bid challenge

Your letter of complaint should:

  • contain the full details of the complaint; and
  • state that it's a bid challenge.

You can submit your complaint letter to the Deputy Minister of Highways and Public Works.

Email: [email protected]

Bid Challenge Committee Secretariat
101-104 Elliott Street,
Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 0M2

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