You don't need a film-location permit to produce a film or series in Yukon. You might need a permit for other activities while filming, such as:
- filming at a Yukon airport;
- filming on Yukon First Nations' land;
- electrical;
- a special event on, or near, Yukon highways;
- land-use, contact the Lands Branch by phone 867-667-3173, or toll-free 1-800-661-0408, ext. 3173.
- filming in a national park or national historic site, contact Parks Canada in Whitehorse by email [email protected], or phone 867-667-3910;
- importing or exporting live wildlife, contact Conservation Officer Services by email [email protected], or by phone 867-667-8005, or toll-free at 1-800-661-0408, ext. 8005; or
- filming in a Yukon territorial park.
Email [email protected], or phone 867-667-5400 if you have any questions about permits.