Draft condominium regulations engagement 2018 (closed)

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It ran from 2018-11-27 to 2019-03-01.

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The Condominium Act, 2015 was passed by the Yukon Legislature in May 2015. Like the Land Titles Act, 2015, it was developed with the participation of representatives from First Nation governments, real estate lawyers, surveyors, the business community, condominium owners, the federal surveyor general’s branch and the Government of Yukon.

Improving Yukon’s Permit Hunt Authorization system (closed)

This engagement is now closed.

It ran from 2018-11-23 to 2018-12-23.

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We asked all Yukoners to share their thoughts on Yukon’s Permit Hunt Authorization system, which is used to provide hunting permits in areas of Yukon where harvest opportunities are limited. We asked what Yukoners value about the system, as well as those areas where improvements could be made.

Regulating Off-Road Vehicles in Yukon (closed)

This engagement is now closed.

It ran from 2019-02-08 to 2019-04-11.

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The Government of Yukon has been working to develop regulations for off-road vehicle use. We completed a public engagement in late winter and early spring of 2019, proposing a 3-part approach. This includes:

a. developing a regulation that would apply to ORV use on public land;
b. incorporating the ability to ticket and fine; and
c. requiring Yukoners to register ORVs for use in the backcountry.

We invited everyone to review and provide feedback on our proposed approach. This approach was informed by input over the years from:

Taking the Pulse: A Health and Wellness Conversation (closed)

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It ran from 2019-05-08 to 2019-12-20.

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In November 2018, an Independent Expert Panel was appointed to conduct a review of Yukon’s health and social services systems. The panel is made up of Yukoners and health systems experts from outside the territory.

Working together, we have to figure out how we can better allocate our existing resources (people and money), improve services, make things more efficient and find creative solutions to meet our needs today and tomorrow. To do that, the panel needs to hear from Yukoners about their experiences using our health and social services system.

Single-use bags surcharge (closed)

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It ran from 2019-02-25 to 2019-04-26.

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The Government of Yukon recognizes the impact of plastic waste and has committed, along with federal, provincial and territorial environment ministers, to work towards significant reductions in waste disposal and zero plastic waste in Canada.
One way in which the Yukon government is helping decrease plastic waste is through a proposed surcharge on single-use shopping bags received at point-of-sale.

This is one of many steps that the Government of Yukon is planning to take to improve the territory’s recycling system and make it more sustainable.

Creative and Cultural Industries Strategy (closed)

This engagement is now closed.

It ran from 2019-04-04 to 2019-11-30.

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Working together, the departments of Tourism and Culture, Economic Development, and Education are developing the Creative and Cultural Industries Strategy. Our goal is to develop a multi-year, action-focused strategy, that will guide government’s future programs and supports to advance the creative and cultural industries sector.

Amendments to the Smoke-Free Places Act (closed)

This engagement is now closed.

It ran from 2019-05-01 to 2019-05-31.

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The Smoke-Free Places Act was last modified 10 years ago before the rise in popularity of vaping. We want to hear from Yukoners about how vaping and vapour products should be regulated in the territory. Additionally, we are interested in your feedback about raising the minimum legal age to access tobacco and vapour products. An updated Act will reflect best practices, meet modern-day realities and future needs. 

Funding program improvements (closed)

This engagement is now closed.

It ran from 2019-05-24 to 2019-07-07.

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We are looking for input to help determine the funding program structure that best supports departmental clients and assists in the development of the Yukon economy.

We are seeking comments on potential improvements to the following three funding programs, which includes a proposal to combine them into a single funding program to support a broader range of economic development activities in Yukon: Regional Economic Development Fund; Strategic Industries Development Fund; and Enterprise Trade Fund.