Residents and non-residents can catch fish in the Yukon. View details about: how to get a fishing licence; fishing rules and regulations; and tips and advice. Important documents Yukon fishing regulations summary Licences and catch cards Get a Yukon fishing licence Get a Yukon Salmon Conservation Catch Card Get licences online Get licences and permits for outdoor recreation online Before you fish Read the fishing rules and regulations Find out about fishing closures Find out about fishing in stocked lakes Apply for a federal pleasure craft operator card Subsistence harvest rights Learn about subsistence harvest rights in the Yukon Useful tips How and where to catch Yukon fish How to stay safe in bear country Yukon fish health handbook If you see someone breaking the law Turn in poachers and polluters Technical reports Angler Harvest Surveys Aquatic invasive species Arctic Grayling Population Assessments Burbot Population Assessments Fisheries Research Learn about the Lake Trout and Lake Whitefish Monitoring Program Stocked Lakes Fisheries Status Report - Little Atlin Lake (Full report) Fisheries Status Report - Little Atlin Lake (Summary) Learn about Yukon fish species Arctic Char Arctic Grayling Arctic Lamprey Broad Whitefish Bull Trout Burbot Chinook Salmon Chum Salmon Coho Salmon Inconnu Kokanee Salmon Lake Trout Lake Whitefish Least Cisco Northern Pike Rainbow Trout Round Whitefish Slimy Sculpin Sockeye Salmon Yukon freshwater fishes Maps Find Yukon e-charts for boaters Lands closed to fishing from shore