Turn in poachers and polluters

Turn in poachers and polluters

Report fishing, hunting, trapping or environmental laws violations, injured or dead wildlife, or self-report a violation. Use any of the following options:

File a TIPP report

Never approach or attempt to confront a suspect.

Activities you should report

  • Hunting or fishing out of season, in a closed area or at night.
  • Exceeding hunting or fishing limits.
  • Illegal sale of fish or wildlife.
  • Harmful substance spills on the ground or in water. This includes fuel and toxic substances.
  • Littering.
  • Wildlife sightings where wildlife or people are at risk.
  • Injured wildlife or road kill animals on Yukon highways.

What to record

  • Date and time.
  • Location. This could include highway kilometre posts, GPS coordinates, nearest landmarks or street addresses.
  • Number of people involved.
  • Description of people involved. Helpful details include clothing, hair colour, tattoos and names.
  • Vehicle description and licence plate number.
  • Details of the activity that took place.
  • Photos of the person, vehicles or activity if it’s safe to do so.
  • Names of other witnesses.

What happens after you make a report

Trained staff will take your call or review your online report, record the information and immediately pass it on to the nearest available conservation officer or environmental protection officer for investigation.

TIPP reports are anonymous

You will receive a unique number that will identify you in future communications. You will remain anonymous and your name will not be made public.


If the information you provide leads to a conviction you may be eligible for a reward. Conservation officers may nominate your information for consideration to the Yukon Fish and Game Association Rewards Committee.


For questions about reporting poachers and polluters email [email protected] or phone: 867-667-8005 or toll free in the Yukon: 1-800-661-0408, ext. 8005.