Here are the deadline for municipal filings.
January 2023
Filing |
Deadline |
Act |
Contact |
Municipalities, as taxing authorities, are to prepare a list of properties in arrears (TL1) and submit to Council |
January 15 |
Section 83 Assessment and Taxation Act |
Property Assessment and Taxation: |
February 2023
Filing |
Deadline |
Act |
Contact |
Assessment review boards to commence hearings |
February 15 |
Section 23 Assessment and Taxation Act |
Property Assessment and Taxation Phone: |
Final date for 2022 Home Owner Grant applications | February 15 | Section 3 Home Owners Grant Act |
Property Assessment and Taxation Phone: 867-667-5118 |
Municipalities, as taxing authorities, are to prepare and publish a list of properties in arrears (TL2) | February 15 | Section 84 Home Owners Grant Act | Property Assessment and Taxation Phone: 867-667-5118 |
March 2023
Filing |
Deadline |
Act |
Contact |
The Mosquito Control Program Pesticide Applicator course is on March 7th and 8th, a fee of $90 is the responsibility of the participant/participating community. Contact: Community Operations, email [email protected] | March 7 and 8 | Community Operations: [email protected] | |
Assessment review boards to complete their proceedings, including sending out revised assessment rolls to municipalities. |
March 15 |
Section 33 Assessment and Taxation Act |
Property Assessment and Taxation Phone: |
Community Tourism Destination Development Fund tier two funding applications due | March 15 | Tourism and Culture: [email protected] | |
Municipalities to submit financial statements for year-end to auditor no later than the last day of March |
March 31 | Section 255 Municipal Act |
Community Affairs Phone: 867-332-3537 |
April 2023
Filing |
Deadline |
Act |
Contact |
Applications to the Youth Investment Fund (funding over $500). This is 1 of 2 annual deadlines, the other is October 1. Applications for funding under $500 can be submitted anytime. |
April 1 |
Fund Administrator Phone: |
Community Affairs Branch, Yukon government, to disburse annual Comprehensive Municipal Grants upon legislative approval of the budget |
April 3, 2023 | Community Affairs: 867-334-8928 | |
Kids Recreation Fund |
April 8 is first day applications are accepted for the 2023-24 cycle Deadline: March 21, 2024 |
Sport Yukon Phone: 867-668-4236 |
Deadline for applications for funding under High Performance Athlete, Coach and Official to be determined in January | April 15 | Sport & Recreation Phone: 867-667-5254 | |
Deadline for grant applications to the Yukon Recreation Advisory Committee (YRAC) | April 15 | Sport & Recreation Phone: 867-667-5254 | |
Deadline for applications for funding under Yukon Sport for Life to be determined in January | April 15 | Sport & Recreation Phone: 867-667-5254 | |
Municipalities (by bylaw*) and YG (by regulation) to set tax rates Before April 15th Property Assessment & Taxation to provide participating municipalities a list of all Local Improvement Charges to be applied to the May tax notices as a result of municipal resident’s participation in the Domestic Water Well Program (s 271.03(1)(b) Municipal Act) |
April 15 (on or before) | Section 55 Assessment and Taxation Act | Property Assessment and Taxation Phone: 867-667-5268 or Community Affairs Phone: 867-667-8684 |
Municipalities to adopt by bylaw an annual operating budget | April 15 (on or before) | Section 238 Municipal Act | Community Affairs Phone: 867-332-3537 |
Municipalities to adopt by bylaw an annual capital budget and a 3-year Capital Expenditure Program | April 15 (on or before) | Section 238 Municipal Act | Community Affairs Phone: 867-332-3537 |
Yukon Lotteries Commission funding deadlines for recreational projects funding, called Projects Fund. There will also be ongoing intake for small projects, called Opportunity Projects. More information. | April 15 and October 15 | Yukon Lottery Commission Phone: 867-633-7890 | |
Municipalities to file liens with Registrar of Land Titles (Form B) on properties in arrears of taxes. | April 30 | Section 89 Assessment and Taxation Act | Property Assessment and Taxation Phone: 867-667-5118 |
May 2023
Filing |
Deadline |
Act |
Contact |
Municipalities to apply local improvement charges related to the Domestic Water Well Program to upcoming tax notices. |
May 2020 |
Section 271.04 Municipal Act |
Fund Administrator Phone: |
Association of Yukon Communities Meeting in Watson Lake |
May 11 - 14 | Association of Yukon Communities: 867- 668-4388 |
Government of Yukon to remit administration fee to Domestic Water Well Program participating municipalities. |
No later than May 15 | Domestic Water Well Local Improvement Tax Regulation OIC 2015/108 and section 11 Domestic Water Well Program Agreement. | Contact Phone: 867-667-8277 |
Property tax notices to be mailed to property owners | On or before May 15 | Section 63 Assessment and Taxation Act | Property Assessment and Taxation Phone: 867-667-5118 |
Government of Yukon to mail property tax notices to non-municipal property owners | May 15 | Property Assessment and Taxation Phone: 867-667-5118 |
Property Assessment and Taxation to transmit schedule to municipalities describing the real property for which grants-in-lieu-of-taxes may be paid that year | On or before May 15 | Property Assessment and Taxation Phone: 867-667-5118 |
The Federation of Canadian Municipalities’ (FCM) Annual Conference | May 25 to 28 | For more information, visit the FCM website:…; | |
Canadian Association of Municipal Administrators (CAMA) Annual Conference in Huntsville, Ontario | May 28 to 31 | For more information, visit the CAMA website: |
June 2023
Filing |
Deadline |
Act |
Contact |
Canadian Association of Municipal Administrators (CAMA) Annual Conference in Huntsville, Ontario |
Cancelled |
Community Affairs Branch pays Yukon government Grants-in-Lieu-of-Taxes to municipalities upon receipt of request from each municipality |
Community Affairs Phone: 867-336-8928 |
Municipal and First Nation Gas Tax Annual Expenditure Reports (AER) are due to Government of Yukon. | June 1 | Community Affairs Phone: 867-336-0469 |
The Federation of Canadian Municipalities’ (FCM) Annual Conference | Cancelled | ||
Annual Provincial/Territorial Conference of Ministers Responsible for Local Government | Held virtually | ||
Municipalities to give public notice that the auditor’s report and the financial statements are available for inspection | June 30 | Section 260 Municipal Act | Community Affairs Phone: 867-336-3537 |
July 2023
Filing |
Deadline |
Act |
Contact |
Taxes are due and payable | July 2 | Section 64 Assessment and Taxation Act | Property Assessment and Taxation: 867- 667-5118 |
Municipalities and Government of Yukon add 10% penalty to all unpaid taxes and interest begins to accumulate | July 3 | Section 64 Assessment and Taxation Act | Property Assessment and Taxation: 867- 667-5118 |
Municipalities to remit to Government of Yukon collected monies related to the Domestic Water Well Program |
July 15 |
Section 271.05 Municipal Act |
August 2023
No deadlines
September 2023
No deadlines
October 2023
Filing |
Deadline |
Act |
Contact |
Applications to the Youth Investment Fund (funding over $500) are due. This is two of two annual deadlines. Applications for funding of $500 and under can be submitted any time. |
October 1 |
Fund Administrator Phone: 456-6771; toll-free 1-800-661- 0408 extension 6771 |
Yukon Lotteries Commission funding deadlines for recreational projects funding, called Projects Fund. There will also be ongoing intake for small projects, called Opportunity Projects. More information. |
October 15 | Community Affairs Phone: 867-336-8928 |
November 2023
Property Assessment and Taxation sends preliminary assessment rolls to municipalities/taxing authorities |
November 15 |
Section 15 Assessment and Taxation Act |
Property Assessment and Taxation Phone: 867-667-5268 |
Municipalities/Taxing Authorities to return corrected assessment rolls to Property Assessment and Taxation |
No later than 15 days after receipt | Section 16 Assessment and Taxation Act |
Property Assessment and Taxation Phone: 867-667-5268 |
December 2023
Filing |
Deadline |
Act |
Contact |
Property Assessment and Taxation sends revised assessment rolls to municipalities/taxing authorities |
Mid December |
Section 16 Assessment and Taxation Act |
Property Assessment and Taxation Phone: 867-667-5268
Property Assessment and Taxation prints and sends assessment notices |
Mid December | Section 18 Assessment and Taxation Act | Property Assessment and Taxation Phone: 867-667-5268 |
Municipalities to adopt, by resolution, provisional operating budget for the next year | December 31 | Section 237 Municipal Act | Community Affairs Phone: 867-332-3537 |