Preparing to travel in avalanche zones

Learn about local avalanche risk

Know the signs of increased danger and areas of increased risk. Visit Yukon Avalanche Association for local information.

Safety gear

Each person travelling in your group needs to carry a:

  • transceiver;
  • metal shovel; and
  • probe.

We also recommend:

  • avalanche airbags;
  • a first aid kit; and
  • a communication device.

Before you leave, practise using your gear.

Leave a trip plan

Always tell someone where you’re going and when you’ll be back. This will help authorities search for you in the event of an emergency.

You can use a trip planning tool such as AdventureSmart.


Avalanche skills training is a crucial tool that will help you stay safe, whether or not you are new to the backcountry. There are a wide range of local course suppliers and the Yukon Avalanche Association works regularly with Avalanche Canada to bring courses to the north.

Visit the Yukon Avalanche Association training page.

Avalanche Canada has a basic online avalanche tutorial.