Find tourism and visitor statistics and reports

  • Economic impact of tourism in Yukon
  • Annual tourism indicator reports
  • Quarterly and monthly indicator reports
  • Visitor surveys
  • Resident Perceptions of Tourism Survey
  • Yukon Sustainable Tourism Dashboard

  1. Economic impact of tourism in Yukon

    Tourism is a significant driver of Yukon’s economy.

    Revenue and Gross Domestic Product (GDP) attributable to tourism

    • In 2018, $146.1 million, or 5.0% of Yukon’s total GDP was attributable to tourism.
    • Yukon businesses attributed $367.8 million of their gross revenue in 2018 to tourism.

    Read the full report on revenue and GDP attributable to tourism.

    Jobs and average pay in the tourism industry

    • In 2019, there were approximately 2,360 jobs in tourism industries in Yukon. That represented 9.0% of the territory's jobs.
    • The average compensation (pay and benefits) for Yukon tourism workers in 2019 was $31.13 per hour.
    • The total compensation (pay and benefits) paid to tourism workers was $117.4 million in 2019. That was an increase of $4.6 million (or 4.1%) over 2018.

    See the full Tourism Employment report (2019).

    Visitor spending

    • In 2017/18, visitors to Yukon reported spending $148 million in the territory, plus an additional $428.9 million on travel packages which included Yukon.
    • Read the full Visitor Exit Survey report for more information.


    Read the full summer and winter Yukon Visitor Tracking Program reports for more information.

    Learn more about EQ market segmentation research and the experiences that visitors look for. 

  2. Annual tourism indicator reports

    Year-end reports present a review of tourism statistics for the past year and an outlook for the coming year.

    They contain statistics about international border crossings into Yukon, passenger counts through Erik Nielsen Whitehorse International Airport, visits to Yukon Visitor Information Centres, average fuel prices in Whitehorse and average exchange rates.

  3. Quarterly and monthly indicator reports

  4. Visitor surveys

    Yukon Visitor Exit Survey

    We conduct Visitor Exit Surveys every 5 years. We use this information to assess visitor and trip characteristics, spending and travel patterns.

    Most recently, we surveyed visitors leaving Yukon from November 2017 to October 2018. Data highlights from this research is compiled in the Visitor Exit Survey report.

    Interviewers collected data at the Whitehorse airport and at local hotels from October to March. From April to September, interviewers surveyed passengers leaving the territory at the Whitehorse and Dawson City airports and at highway exit points.

    The government and Yukon’s tourism sector use this data to make development and marketing decisions.

    Email [email protected] or phone 867-667-5640 if you have questions about the survey methodology.

    We can provide free, customized analysis from the Yukon Visitor Exit Survey data set. To request this analysis, or for questions about past visitor exit surveys, email [email protected] or phone 867-667-8408.

    Community visitor surveys

    In the summer of 2016, we asked travellers visiting Carcross or Dawson City how they spent their time in the community.

    Yukon Visitor Tracking Program 

    We surveyed visitors to Yukon between June 2012 and April 2013. Data from this research is compiled in the following reports.

    Summer and winter reports

    These reports describe Yukon visitors. We examined:

    • who they are,
    • how they planned their trip,
    • how they travelled,
    • what they did, and
    • how much they spent.

    View the summer and winter reports.

    Visitor segmentation

    The Visitor segmentation report describes the types of visitors coming to Yukon and what they like to see and do here.

    Learn how to use EQ market segmentation research to promote or enhance a tourism experience.

    Pathways report

    The pathways report describes the visitor and trip characteristics of the people who included a community or region in their trip. It answers questions such as:

    • What activities did they participate in while in Yukon?
    • What was important in their Yukon trip?
    • What were they satisfied with on their Yukon trip?
    • On average, how many nights were they away from home, and how many nights did they spend in Yukon?
    • What was the primary purpose of their trip to Yukon?

    Methodology report

    The methodology report describes how we collected information for the program.

  5. Resident Perceptions of Tourism Survey

    Starting in 2019, every 2 years, the Yukon Bureau of Statistics conducts a Resident Perceptions of Tourism Survey that the Department of Tourism and Culture develops.

    Look at the survey results:

    Resident support for tourism is a goal in the YukonTourism Development Strategy. Measuring Yukoners support for the industry ensures that sustainable tourism growth matches with Yukoner’s core values. Strong support for the industry leads to outstanding experiences for our visitors.

    Email [email protected] if you have questions about the survey methodology. For any other requests, email [email protected].

  6. Yukon Sustainable Tourism Dashboard

    The Yukon Sustainable Tourism Dashboard is the central hub for Yukon tourism data and insights, including visualizations and reports. It can be found here.


Email [email protected] to request additional reports.