Apply for housing disaster recovery funding

When to apply

The Housing Disaster Financial Assistance Program is available when a disaster occurs that results in the Government of Yukon declaring it an eligible event under the Yukon Disaster Financial Assistance Program.

Types of funding supports for housing

Funding is provided in 3 streams

  • Grant funding for restoration of principal residences.
  • Grant funding to replace damaged possessions for property owners and tenants.
  • Grant funding for temporary accommodation support.

If you're eligible, you can apply for all 3 streams.

Other funds

Housing funding program limits

We may provide funding to cover uninsured and uninsurable claims for losses up to $250,000 per household. This limit includes all housing funding streams:

  • grants for principal residences and possession losses; and
  • temporary accommodation support.

Financial help for losses will have a limit. It will be the lesser amount of:

Grant funding for principal residences

You may apply for funding to compensate for damages to your principal residence. Each household may receive up to $250,000 for eligible losses when the Yukon Disaster Financial Assistance Program is activated after an eligible disaster is declared.

Who's eligible

  • You must be a Yukon resident.
  • You must own the property that was damaged, and it must be your primary residence. Property includes lease arrangements for home ownership on First Nations' land.
  • You must show that you have not already received compensation through private insurance.
  • If you do not have insurance, you must show that:
    • insurance was cost-prohibitive; or
    • you were unable to get insurance.

What's eligible

  • Your property must be in the specified disaster-affected area declared eligible under the Yukon Disaster Financial Assistance Program.
  • Only 1 principal residence per household is eligible for grant funding.
  • We’ll only consider claims to replace or restore the necessities of life.

What is not eligible

  • A house used as a secondary residence, such as a cottage or rental property.

When do we approve your funding request?

  1. Once your eligibility is determined, we’ll schedule a site visit with a damage appraiser. They’ll produce an estimate of total claimable losses and help you understand the program.
  2. We’ll review the estimate and make a decision.
  3. We’ll enter into a funding agreement with you.
  4. We’ll issue payment consistent with the terms and conditions of the agreement.

Grant funding to replace possessions

You can use this funding to receive compensation for damages to your personal possessions at your principal residence if you're a:

  • homeowner; or
  • residential tenant.

You may receive a grant to compensate for the loss of eligible damaged items. We'll base this on your eligibility and an assessment from an appraiser.

Funding covers the value of damaged essential items based on set amounts and estimated replacement values for basic model equivalents. You’ll find complete details listed in:

  • our program guidelines under eligible possessions; and
  • the Disaster Financial Assistance Arrangements guidelines.

Who's eligible?

  • Yukon residents
  • Owner of a principal residence
  • Tenants

What's eligible?

  • Essential personal possessions damaged in a principal residence or a tenant’s rental unit located in disaster-affected areas.

Funding for temporary accommodations resulting from displacement

If you are unable to return to your home, you may be eligible for funding to help with short-term accommodation. You may receive a monthly accommodation allowance based on current Yukon median rents by household size.

  • To 1 bedroom – $1,100
  • 2 bedrooms – $1,446
  • 3 to 4 bedrooms – $1,900
  • 5 or more bedrooms – $2,925

Who's eligible

  • Yukon residents
  • Owner of a principal residence
  • Tenants

What's eligible?

You’ll need to show that you are not able to live in your principal residence due to damages caused by a disaster that has been declared eligible for the Disaster Financial Assistance Program.

You will not be eligible for this support if you own another property that you can live in.

We’ll provide monthly payments up to 6 months if you show ongoing eligibility.

This benefit is included in the limit on financial help of $250,000 or appraised property value, whichever is less.

How to apply

After an eligible disaster, the Disaster Financial Assistance Program will be activated. Application deadlines will be shared after the program has been activated for a particular event.

  1. Read the Housing Disaster Financial Assistance Program guidelines.
  2. Download the application form after the Disaster Financial Assistance Program has been activated for a particular event.
  3. Complete and sign the application. 
  4. Submit your complete application and required documents to Yukon Housing Corporation.

Note: All applicants need to provide a copy of the most recent Property Assessment Notice and Proof of Residency.
The following documents can be used for proof of Yukon Residency:

  • Mortgage document
  • The most recent Notice of Assessment from Canada Revenue Agency
  • Verification of Employment Letter
  • The most recent Property Tax Bill with Homeowners Grant claimed
  • Utility bill
  • Bank statement

To ensure the safety of your personal information, do not submit photocopies of your health card or driving license.

After you apply

We'll send you a response confirming that we've received your application. We'll contact you if we need additional information, or if we have any follow-up questions as we work to determine eligibility and next steps.

We'll work through application forms in the order we receive them. We'll provide you with updates on your application as we process it to determine eligibility within two weeks.


For questions about the Housing Disaster Financial Assistance Program, email [email protected] or phone 867-667-5759. Phone toll free in the Yukon 1-800-661-0408.

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