Find your civic address

A civic address is a physical address that's:

  • permanent;
  • unique; and
  • clearly identifies where the property is located.

Find your civic address

We have a new app that uses modern technology to help keep up with the latest emergency and mapping systems.

Find your civic address

Print a map of your civic address

How to print a map:

  1. Find your location either by:
    • zooming into your location;
    • using the "Bookmarks" tab to jump to your community; or
    • searching for your civic address in the top search bar.
  2. Print your map with the print tool under the "Home" or "File" menu.

Why do I need a civic address?

It’s important to have a correct, recorded address for your property.  It helps:

  • firefighters, police and ambulances find your home;
  • delivery services find your home;
  • support insurance, motor vehicles and taxation systems; and
  • ensure your property is on Google maps and other map systems.

We've helped many communities in the Yukon that are not part of a city or town to get their own written address. Now, we are working with municipalities and First Nations to help fill in the gaps on the map.

Goals of the app

  • to make sure everyone knows their address; and
  • to get help from people to make sure the address is correct.

We still have some gaps where there may be missing or wrong information.  We're open to feedback on how to improve the app, address gaps or inaccuracies.

If you want to  share your thoughts or get a civic address for your property, email [email protected].    


If you have questions about civic addresses in unincorporated areas, email [email protected]

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