Access Yukon climate change information

Access resources and technical information related to climate change, energy and the green economy in the Yukon.


Key resources and technical information related to permafrost in the Yukon:

Yukon Geological Survey Publications

Yukon Geological Survey Geohazard Maps:

Yukon Geological Survey Web Maps

YukonU permafrost thaw sensitivity web map

YukonU permafrost hazard web map

Open data

Government of Yukon Open data: Permafrost

Access the Government of Yukon’s permafrost data.


Key resources and technical information related to water resources in the Yukon:

Water Research and Assessments

Water Quality and Monitoring

Yukon Water Data Catalogue

Snow Surveys and Water Supply Forecasts

Open data

Government of Yukon Open Data: Water

Access the Government of Yukon’s data related to water.


Key resources and technical information related to renewable energy in the Yukon:

Yukon Energy Context 2017

Yukon Energy Context 2018

Yukon Energy State of Play

Renewable Energy Map

Renewable Energy Options for Yukon Government

Solvest Case Studies

YukonU Energy Northern Energy Innovation studies

Additional support

Climate Change and Energy Solutions Centre

Expert staff and resources are available here to support your energy needs

Open data

Government of Yukon Open data: Energy

Access the Government of Yukon's data related to energy.


Key resources and technical information related to health in a changing climate in the Yukon:

Health effects of extreme weather events and wildland fires: a Yukon perspective (2020)

Climate Change Health Impacts and Actions (2019)

Greenhouse gas emissions

Key resources and technical information related to greenhouse gas emissions in the Yukon:

The Yukon’s greenhouse gas emissions

Greenhouse gas emissions in Yukon: 2021 (2023)

Greenhouse gas emissions in Yukon: 2020 (2022).

Greenhouse gas emissions in Yukon: 2019 (2021)

Greenhouse gas emissions in Yukon: 2018 (2020)

The Government of Yukon’s greenhouse gas emissions

Government of Yukon greenhouse gas emissions: 2021 (2023)

Government of Yukon greenhouse gas emissions: 2020 (2022).

Government of Yukon greenhouse gas emissions: 2019 (2021)

Government of Yukon corporate greenhouse gas emissions: 2018 (2020)


Yukon Greenhouse Gas Emission Mitigation Analysis, Phase I (2018)

Yukon Greenhouse Gas Emission Mitigation Analysis, Phase II: Prioritization of Practical Greenhouse Gas Emissions Mitigation Measures (2018)


Whitehorse Transportation and Commuting Survey 2021 Report (2021)

Climate change indicators

Yukon Climate Change Indicators and Key Findings (2015)

Yukon climate change indicators and key findings (2022) 

Energy-economy modelling

Key resources and technical information related to energy-economy modelling in the Yukon:

Our Clean Future 2022 annual report (2023)

Our Clean Future 2021 annual report (2022).

Our Clean Future 2020 annual report (2021)

Our Clean Future: A Yukon Strategy for Climate Change, Energy and a Green Economy (2020)

Informing the development of Our Clean Future: a Yukon strategy for climate change, energy and a green economy (2020)

Our Clean Future: A Yukon strategy for climate change, energy and a green economy - What we heard (2020)

Other resources

Energy, Mines and Resources Library catalogue

Browse the Energy, Mines and Resources (EMR) library for resources on Yukon permafrost and terrain hazards, ground ice conditions, impacts of permafrost on infrastructure and more. Learn more about the Energy, Mines and Resources Library.




If you have questions or suggestions for resources you'd like added to this page, email [email protected] or phone 867-456-5565.

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