Par « exploitation minière dans le district argentifère de Keno Hill », on fait référence à une propriété minière d’argent, de plomb et de zinc située à 50 km au nord-est de Mayo et à 3 km à l’est de Keno. Elle est située sur le territoire traditionnel de la Première Nation des Na-Cho Nyak Dun. La propriété est exploitée depuis 2009.
Le district a une longue histoire d’exploitation minière et abritait autrefois les mines United Keno Hill, l’un des plus importants producteurs d’argent au Canada. L’exploitation minière actuelle de Keno Hill est distincte des activités minières antérieures et n’est pas liée aux activités d’entretien, de maintenance et de fermeture en cours dans le district.
Pour obtenir des informations sur l’état du site ou des documents relatifs aux permis, contactez la Direction des ressources minières à [email protected].
Tous les documents ci-après sont en anglais. Nous mettrons à jour la page à mesure que nous créerons et modifierons les documents relatifs aux permis.
Documents en cours d’examen
- Reclamation and closure plan revision 8 (November 2023; 127,078 KB)
- Underground tailings management plan (March 2024; 907 KB)
- Sludge management plan (November 2023; 10,812 KB)
- Tailings characterization plan revision 7 (October 2023; 1,999 KB)
- Phase II expansion detailed design revision 1 – dry stack tailings facility (March 2024; 45,486 KB)
Permis d’extraction du quartz
- Quartz mining licence QML–0009 (November 2019; 516 KB)
- Schedule C: approved plans and authorized activities (December 2023; 238 KB)
- Schedule D: annual reporting requirements (January 2023; 195 KB)
- Amendment to Keno Hill silver district mining operations project QML–0009, Flame and Moth Deposit (February 2016; 557.77 KB)
- Amendment to Keno Hill silver district mining operations project QML–0009, Bermingham Deposit (November 2019; 184 KB)
Plans de mise en valeur et d’exploitation
Plans d’exploitation minière à ciel ouvert
- Road development and operation plan (September 2023; 19,246 KB)
Plans d’exploitation de mines souterraines
- Amendment to construction site plan: revision 1 Bellekeno (Février 2010; 726.06 ko)
- Construction site plan: revision 1 Bellekeno project (Novembre 2009; 21,242.23 ko)
- Mine development and operations plan: Bellekeno project (December 2009; 3,350.55 ko)
- Mine development and operations plan: Lucky Queen and Onek mines – revision 1 (January 2013; 10,029.90 ko)
- Mine development and operations plan: revision 0 (November 2021; 25,313 ko)
Plans d’installations de transformation
- Mill development and operations plan: revision 4 (November 2018; 7,399 KB)
Plans de gestion des déchets miniers
- Dry stack tailings facility construction and operation plan: revision 4 (November 2018; 7,399 KB)
- Dry stack tailings facility construction and operation plan: dust modelling (September 2010; 703.14 KB)
- Operation, maintenance and surveillance manual: dry stack tailings facility – revision 2010–1 (September 2010; 3,290.48 KB)
- Tailings characterization plan: revision 6 (November 2021; 3,989 KB)
- Typical waste containment facility design (July 2009; 4,293 KB)
- Waste rock management plan: revision 6.5 (October 2021; 24,348 KB)
- Construction site plan revision 1 (November 2009; 29,235 KB)
Plans de santé et de sécurité
- Mine emergency response plan: Revision 8 (November 2023; 7,464 KB)
Plans de protection de l’environnement et rapports connexes
- Explosives management plan (February 2019; 3,265 KB)
- Hazardous materials management plan (July 2018; 4,979 KB)
- Heritage resource protection plan (March 2019; 562 KB)
- Noise monitoring and management plan (October 2021; 3,950 KB)
- Spill contingency plan (October 2020; 745 KB)
- Traffic management plan (October 2021; 3,858 KB)
- Wildlife protection plan (July 2018; 614 KB)
- Adaptive management plan (April 2023; 12,613 KB)
- Monitoring, surveillance and reporting plan (September 2023; 13,858 KB)
- Waste management plan (September 2023; 4,621 KB)
- Dust abatement and monitoring plan (September 2023; 2,391 KB)
Plans de remise en état et de fermeture
Reclamation and closure plan: revision 7 (October 2022; 98,202 KB
Garanties financières
- Amendment to Keno Hill silver district mining operations project QML–0009, Bermingham deposit (November 2019; 184 KB)
- Determination of financial security (December 2022; 154 KB)
- Determination of financial security: reasons for decision (December 2022; 682 KB)
Aucun document à l’heure actuelle.
Rapports et inspections
Rapport annuels
- 2010 annual report (June 2011; 21,072.094 KB)
- 2011 annual report (March 2012; 29,154.872 KB)
- 2011 annual report addendum (May 2012; 2,273.70 KB)
- 2012 annual report (March 2013; 75,936.407 KB)
- 2013 annual report (March 2014; 57,652.0 KB)
- 2014 annual report (March 2015; 36,095.0 KB)
- 2015 annual report (March 2016; 57,753.0 KB)
- 2016 annual report (March 2017; 35,362.340 KB)
- 2017 annual report (March 2018; 41,178 KB)
- 2018 annual report (March 2019; 32,701.84 KB)
- 2019 annual report (March 2020; 21,216.33 KB)
- 2020 annual report (March 2021; 18,752.55 KB)
- 2021 annual report (March 2022; 20,608 KB)
- 2022 annual report (April 2023; 15,828 KB)
- 2023 annual report (March 2024; 57,861 KB)
Inspection sur les lieux
- 2011 annual physical inspection report (September 2011; 6,829.97 KB)
- 2012 annual physical inspection report (September 2012; 5,904.00 KB)
- 2013 annual physical inspection report (December 2013; 4,851.86 KB)
- 2014 annual physical inspection report (December 2014; 7,820.72 KB)
- 2015 annual physical inspection report (September 2015; 7,656.92 KB)
- 2016 annual physical inspection report (October 2016; 4,032 KB)
- 2017 annual physical inspection report (November 2017; 4,395.56 KB)
- 2018 annual physical inspection report (November 2018; 1,867.16 KB)
- 2019 annual physical inspection report (November 2019; 4,051.50 KB)
- 2020 annual physical inspection report (November 2020; 4,652.24 KB)
- 2021 annual physical inspection report (November 2021; 4,641 KB)
- 2022 annual physical inspection report (January 2023; 13,152 KB)
- 2023 annual physical inspection report (November 2023; 19,919 KB)
Rapport sur la mise en valeur minière
Aucun document à l’heure actuelle.
Rapports environnementaux
- 2021 environmental audit report (October 2021; 1,554.11 KB)
- 2023 environmental audit report (October 2023; 3,483 KB)
- Site characterization report (February 2023; 46,197 KB)
- Quarterly noise monitoring report: 2013 Q2 (August 2013; 725.41 KB)
- Quarterly noise monitoring report: 2013 Q4 (March 2014; 3,750.70 KB)
- Quarterly noise monitoring report: April 2013 to June 2014 (August 2014; 773.63 KB)
- Quarterly noise monitoring report: April 2013 to December 2014 (March 2015; 796.89 KB)
- Quarterly noise monitoring report: 2022 Q1 (May 2022; 1,436.44 KB)
- Quarterly noise monitoring report: 2022 Q2 (July 2022; 1,106 KB)
- Quarterly noise monitoring report: 2022 Q3 (November 2022; 1,104 KB)
- Quarterly noise monitoring report: 2022 Q4 (July 2023; 164 KB)
- Quarterly noise monitoring report: 2023 Q1 (July 2023; 165 KB)
- Quarterly dust monitoring report: March 2011 to January 2012 (March 2012; 4,760 KB)
- Quarterly dust monitoring report: 2021 (March 2022; 6,228 KB)
- Quarterly dust monitoring report: 2022 Q1 (May 2022; 661.48 KB)
- Quarterly dust monitoring report: 2022 Q2 (July 2022; 1,554 KB)
- Quarterly dust monitoring report: 2022 Q3 (November 2022; 1,496 KB)
- Quarterly dust monitoring report: 2022 Q4 (July 2023; 163 KB)
- Quarterly dust monitoring report: 2023 Q1 (July 2023; 163 KB)
- Dust and Noise Monitoring Results Memo – May 2023 (July 2023; 913 KB)
- Dust and Noise Monitoring Results Memo – June 2023 (August 2023; 933 KB)
- Dust and Noise Monitoring Results Memo – July 2023 (September 2023 938
- Dust and Noise Monitoring Results Memo – September 2023 (October 2023; 285 KB)
- Dust and Noise Monitoring Results Memo – October 2023 (January 2024; 283 KB)
- Dust and Noise Monitoring Results Memo – November 2023 (January 2024; 276 KB)
- Dust and Noise Monitoring Results Memo – December 2023 (January 2024
Rapports socio-économiques
Aucun document à l’heure actuelle