Regulation proposal intake
Regulation change proposals can be submitted anytime. Proposed changes can come from:
- the Government of Yukon;
- Yukon First Nations;
- Renewable Resources Councils;
- Indigenous governments and groups that do not fall under the Yukon First Nations Umbrella Final Agreement;
- interest groups; and
- the general public.
Learn how to submit a regulation change proposal by visiting the Yukon Fish and Wildlife Management Board’s website.
Evaluation and feedback on proposals
The Review Committee reviews proposals to ensure they align with the Umbrella Final Agreement, the Yukon Wildlife Act, and the Yukon Territory Fisheries Regulations. They evaluate proposals and determine if they should move to public engagement, which happens every two years.
If your proposal isn’t chosen, the committee will explain why and provide you feedback.
Public engagement
Every 2 years, selected proposals are shared with Yukoners for feedback. Public engagement includes:
- an online survey; and
- in-person meetings facilitated by an independent third-party.
The committee summarizes the feedback in a “What we Heard” report, which is shared publicly.
Yukon Fish and Wildlife Management Board recommendations
The Yukon Fish and Wildlife Management Board makes a recommendation to the Minister of Environment. They consider:
- the goals and objectives of the Umbrella Final Agreement;
- public feedback;
- conservation considerations; and
- local, traditional and scientific knowledge.
Government of Yukon consultation
The Government of Yukon consults with affected Yukon First Nations, transboundary Indigenous governments and groups and the Yukon Fish and Wildlife Management Board. The Board provides their final reviews at this stage.
Government of Yukon decision and implementation
The Government of Yukon makes a final decision based on public engagement, recommendations from partners and consultation. If a proposal is approved, the regulation is drafted and becomes law. Regulatory changes are published in the annual hunting, fishing or trapping summaries.