We provide objective geological information to:
- the Government of Yukon;
- Yukon First Nations; and
- the public.
Our information adds to Yukon’s geoscience knowledge base. The information supports geoscience-related policy and investment decisions in the territory.
Yukon Geological Survey news
Visiting the core library
The core library facilities are open again for use by clients. Access is controlled. Contact the core library to book the facilities.
- Email: [email protected]
- Phone: 867-393-6492
Visiting Yukon Geological Survey at the Elijah Smith Building
The Yukon Geological Survey office in downtown Whitehorse is open to the public.
- Email: [email protected]
- Phone: 867-667-8508
Recent publications
Yukon Placer Mining Industry 2018 to 2020. S. van Loon and J.D. Bond
Yukon Exploration and Geology
Overview 2023
Yukon Exploration and Geology Overview 2023. L.H. Weston and Purple Rock Inc. (eds.), Yukon Geological Survey, 69 p.
Yukon Exploration and Geology papers 2023
- Berumen-Borrego, F., Gilbert, H., Dettmer, J., Gosselin, J.M. and Shahsavari P., 2024. Shearwave velocities from broadband HVSR measurements for geothermal resource assessment near Burwash Landing, Yukon.
- Clarke, H.C., Cronmiller, D.C., Ward, B.C. and Groeneveld, K.A, 2024. Permafrost-related landslides following a 2017 wildfire, Dempster Highway, Yukon (parts of NTS 116G/9 and 116H/12).
- Han, J., Dettmer, J., Gosselin, J.M., Gilbert, H., Biegel, K. and Kim, S., 2024. Seismicity near the eastern Denali fault from temporary and long-term seismic recordings.
- Klyukin, Y., 2024. Surficial geochemical data extracted from assessment reports: Development and initial release of the database.
- Leishman, T., Gosselin, J.M., Dettmer, J., Cassidy, J.F. and Kang, T.-S., 2024. Preliminary site characterization for earthquake hazard assessment using ambient vibration techniques in Haines Junction, Yukon (parts of NTS 115A/11, 12, 13, 14).
- Léveillée-Dallaire, X. and Raymond, J., 2024. Hydrothermal modelling of Takhini Hot Springs (NTS 105D/14).
- Moynihan, D., 2024. Preliminary report on the bedrock geology southwest of Big Salmon Lake (parts of NTS 105F/3, 4, 5, 6), south-central Yukon.
- Painter, M., Cronmiller, D. and Lipovsky, P., 2024. Preliminary data from the establishment of longterm ground temperature reference sites in five Yukon communities.
- Webb, L.C. and Ambrose, T.K., 2024. Preliminary observations of the Mesoproterozoic Pinguicula Group in the Coal Creek inlier, Yukon (parts of NTS 116B/11, 14).
You can also download a volume containing all of the papers for 2023.
Open files
- Witter, J.B., 2024. Analysis of geoscience data for geothermal exploration in the Dakwäkäda (Haines Junction) area, Yukon. Yukon Geological Survey, Open File 2024-3, 42 p. plus appendices.
- Cronmiller, D.C., 2024. Surficial geology of the Beaver Creek Area, Yukon (parts of NTS 115K/7). Yukon Geological Survey, Open File 2024-1, scale 1:15000.
Geoscience Maps
- Skipton, D.R., 2024. Bedrock geology map of the McQuesten Lake area, central Yukon (parts of NTS 106D/2, 3, 6 & 7). Yukon Geological Survey, Geoscience Map 2024-1, scale 1:50 000.
Data sets
- Surficial geology data set: A Yukon-wide compilation of spatial data derived from over 195 surficial geology maps originally published at scales ranging from 1:10,000 to 1:250,000.
Miscellaneous Reports
- Mitchinson, D., Cowan, D.C., Colpron, M., Fournier, D., Naylor, A., Dipple, G.M., Cutts, J.A., Milidragovic, D., 2024. Regional scale 3D modelling of magnetic data to assess carbon mineralization potential of serpentinized ultramafic rocks in the Yukon. Yukon Geological Survey, Miscellaneous Report 26, 18 p.