Surficial geology is the study of unconsolidated sediments such as:
- gravel;
- sand;
- silt; and
- clay.
These sediments were largely deposited within the last 2.6 million years, during the Quaternary period. They form the foundation on which we live our lives.
Our geologists map, describe and interpret the origin and evolution of surficial sediments.
Processes that change surficial deposits include:
- water;
- glaciers;
- wind;
- gravity; and
- climate.
Our projects have many uses. These include:
- landscape hazards (permafrost and landslides) for public safety;
- aggregate distribution for construction;
- sediment genesis for mineral exploration;
- soil properties for infrastructure development and community planning;
- valley evolution for understanding placer gold deposits; and
- the history of glaciers and how they relate to the paleoclimate.
The surficial geology group:
- engages with the public; and
- takes on external research opportunities through collaborative projects with universities.
For more information on surficial geology, contact [email protected].