All Yukon employers must follow rules that guide how employers treat Canadian and foreign full- and part-time employees. In the Yukon, the rules are found in the Employment Standards Act and the Canada Labour Code.
These rules include:
- minimum wage;
- hours of work and overtime pay;
- paid vacation;
- general holidays; and
- time off for illness or a death in the worker’s family.
Employment Standards Act
The Employment Standards Act applies to most jobs in the Yukon.
For questions about the Employment Standards Act email [email protected] or phone: 867-667-5944 or toll free in Yukon: 1-800-661-0408, ext. 5944.
Canada Labour Code
The Canada Labour Code applies to all workers in Canada, from anyone who works for government, to a car wash attendant or a bank teller. There are different employment rules for babysitters and live-in caregivers.
In Canada there are laws that govern workplace safety. These laws may be very different from the laws in your home country. Workplace safety is very important in Canada and the Yukon. Employers and workers must follow these laws, and work together to make workplaces safe.
Ask a question about workplace safety
Email [email protected] or phone 867-667-5450 or toll free in the Yukon 1-800-661-0443 for questions about workplace safety. You can ask for an interpreter who speaks your language.
Report an unsafe situation or a workplace injury at your job
You can report an unsafe situation or a workplace injury at your job without giving your name or saying where you work. Your employer can't punish, fire or deport you for contacting us. You can ask for an interpreter who speaks your language.
In person: 401 Strickland Street in Whitehorse, Yukon. The office is open Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 867-667-5450 or toll free 1-800-661-0443
The Canadian workplace may be different from the workplace in your home country. There may be different safety laws or personal protective equipment (PPE), or more informal relationships between bosses and workers.
Starting a new job in a new country
When you start a new job in a new country, you may having a lot of things to learn. From speaking the language, to cooking the food, to dressing for the climate. It can take a while to adjust to your situation. You and your family members may experience a variety of emotions from happy to sad. Contact us if you're having trouble adjusting.
Your employer will give you an orientation. This usually happens on your 1st day and includes information about your workplace, safety, and the work you will be doing.
- Most employers offer training if there are changes in the job, or there is new equipment or technology.
- Training must be for less than 6 months and non-credit.
- Some employers let workers take time off for extra training.
- Your employer might pay part or all of the cost and your wages if the training is related to your job.
- Keep certificates of all your training.
- Write down the training course name and dates.
- Include your training on your resume and talk about it in job interviews.
There is a 3-6 month probation period in Yukon workplaces. Usually you meet with your employer at the end of the probation period to talk about the job and your work. You can check in with your supervisor before the end of your probation to see how well you're doing.
After you work in a job for a while, you may want more responsibility and higher pay. Ask you employer about promotions.
Contact us if you are promoted. We'll update your employment contract to show your new position and wages.
Solving workplace problems
A problem at work could be a disagreement with another worker, or harassment or discrimination.
2 common kinds of workplace problems
- Problems with your work.
- Problems with workers. Before you talk to the person you are having the problem with, ask yourself these questions:
- What is the problem?
- Why is it a problem?
- How does this problem make me feel?
- How is it affecting me?
- What are some things I can do to solve the problem?
- What can I say to the person I’m having the problem with?
Contact us if you have a problem that is affecting your work that you can't solve it by yourself. If we can't help you, we will tell you where to go for help.
Report harassment or violence
Contact the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) if someone is harassing you, you feel threatened or someone has physically hurt you:
- in Whitehorse 667-5555, or 911 for emergencies; and
- in Yukon communities call the local exchange + 5555, for example, in Dawson call 993 + 5555, or in Watson Lake call 536 + 5555.
English and French are the official languages in Canada. In Yukon, English is spoken most:
- 13 per cent of people speak English and French;
- 4.4 per cent of people's first language is French.
Take language training
If you do not speak English or French you should take language training.
Language training in Whitehorse
- Multicultural Centre of the Yukon
- Association franco-yukonnaise
- Yukon College
- Yukon Learn
- United for Literacy (formerly Frontier College)
Outside Whitehorse there are fewer opportunities.
Settlement services help immigrants and refugees become familiar with their community and provide a sense of belonging.
View a list of over 200 services that are available in the Yukon. This brochure is provided by the Yukon Anti-Poverty Coalition.
Settlement services for immigrants and refugees
The Multicultural Centre of the Yukon (MCY) provides settlement services such as one-on-one and group sessions.
See a list of services on the MCY website.
You can access these services if you are a:
- permanent resident;
- refugee;
- Yukon nominee (foreign worker);
- Canadian citizen; or
- person with a work permit
Contact the MCY
In person: 4141-D 4th Avenue in Whitehorse, Yukon. The office is open Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 867-667-6205
Settlement services for francophones
L’Association franco-yukonnaise (L'AFY) provides information and referral service in French. L'AFY works with the francophone community to welcome newcomers. You can access these services if you are a permanent resident or an eligible worker under the Yukon Nominee Program.
Contact L'AFY
In person: 302 Strickland Street in Whitehorse, Yukon. The office is open Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 867-668-2663