Apply for Rent-Geared-to-Income housing

The Rent-Geared-to-Income program assists Yukoners in need of affordable, suitable and accessible housing. Rent is calculated at 25 per cent of your total gross monthly household (combined) income.

This application is for individuals, families or seniors applying to live in Yukon Housing Corporation housing.


  • You must be a Yukon resident and have lived in the territory for 12 continuous months before applying. If you previously lived in the Yukon and have recently moved back, you may receive credit for previous residency.
  • You must be a low-income individual, family or senior citizen who cannot obtain affordable and suitable housing on the private market.
  • Your household income must be under current housing income limits thresholds.
  • You must have less than $100,000 in assets. 
  • You must be in good standing with the Yukon Housing Corporation.

Apply for Rent-Geared-to-Income housing

  1. Complete the application package.
    Make sure you complete the priority consideration section of the application if you require immediate housing. If you're referred from the By-Name List, experiencing violence or have a medical reason that prioritizes you for Rent-Geared-to-Income housing, you will also need to fill out the Support Plan Template so that we ensure we can accommodate your needs throughout your tenancy.
  2. Provide identification.
    • 19 years of age and older: You need 1 piece of government-issued photo ID.
      Under 19 years of age: You need 1 piece of government-issued ID.
    • Notice of Assessment from Revenue Canada for each household member 19 years of age and older.
  3. Submit your complete application package:
    By mail to:
    410 Jarvis Street
    Whitehorse, Yukon
    Y1A 2H5
    You may also submit your package in person to 410 Jarvis Street in Whitehorse or your local Community Housing office. Our Whitehorse office is open Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.
    You may also fax your application to 867-393-7597.

Note: The application form above is for clients applying to the Rent-Geared-to-Income program in Whitehorse and in rural Yukon.

Next steps  

  1. Your application will be reviewed to ensure it is complete. If your application is not complete (e.g. missing forms or information), we will contact you.
  2. If your application is complete and all the required documents have been submitted, your application will be reviewed to determine if you are eligible. You will receive a letter informing you of the outcome.
    • If you are approved, this letter will indicate that you are on the waitlist*.
    • If you are not approved, this letter will provide the reason why.
  1. While on the waitlist, contact us if anything changes. This includes changes to your contact information or changes to your household, such as someone moving in or out of your household.
  2. While on the waitlist, you may be required to provide updated documents. If required, we will contact you.

Note: If we cannot contact you or if you do not bring in updated documents by the requested date, you may be removed from the waitlist.

*Wait time depends on unit availability.

Find Rent-Geared-to-Income rules and policies 

These rules and policies apply to all Rent-Geared-to-Income clients:

These rules and policies apply only to Whitehorse clients: 

These rules and policies apply only to rural Yukon clients:




If you need help with your application or have questions email us [email protected] or phone 867-667-5759, toll-free in the Yukon 1-800-661-0408.