Submit pre-season or post-season mineral exploration reports

If you are the operator of a Class 3 or Class 4 mineral exploration program, you must submit 2 activity reports:

  1. a pre-season report; and
  2. a post-season report.

You must submit these reports as required by your mining land use approval.

Prepare your report

Pre-season report

You will need an outline of all proposed activities for the upcoming season. The activities must respect your:

  • mining land use approval; and
  • associated operating plan.

You must also show where activity will occur using GPS coordinates and maps. This must meet the digital mapping standards of the Mineral Resources Branch.

Post-season report

You will need an outline of all activities carried out during the season. This includes a description of reclamation work. The activities must respect your:

  • mining land use approval; and
  • associated operating plan.

You must also show where activity has occurred using GPS coordinates and maps. This must meet the digital mapping standards of the Mineral Resources Branch.

Refer to the guidelines for a post-season summary report to learn what to include in this report.

Before you submit your report

Make sure your report includes all current activities, assessed sustainability and reclamation work. After you submit it, you won't be able to make changes.

If you need to change your mineral exploration program, contact your district mining recorder’s office.

Do not submit any other reports with your pre-season or post-season report.

Submit a report

You must submit your reports through the online reporting service.

Online reporting service

The contact on your mining land use approval will be sent an email from your district mining recorder’s office. This email will contain a unique link to submit your reports online. You cannot submit reports online without this link.

You will be sent the link in:

  • February for the pre-season report; and
  • October for the post-season report.

The online submission system will guide you through submitting your report.

The online reporting system has a file size limit of 10 megabytes.

How to have a link resent

If you did not get a link, it may be because your contact information is out of date. You should advise the mining recorder’s office of any change to your contact information.

To update your contact information or get a new link, contact your district mining recorder’s office. Have your mining land use approval number on hand when you do this. You can find it using the mining lands registry.

What happens next?

We will review your reports once they have been submitted online.  We will contact you if we have questions or concerns.

The information included in your submission will be part of the public record. The reports will not be available online. A copy may be requested through the mining recorders office.

Once you have submitted your pre-season or post-season report, you must submit any other reports required by your mining land use approval to the appropriate regulator.


If you have any questions about submitting pre-season or post-season reports, contact your district mining recorder’s office.