Pay a government invoice

To pay invoices from the following providers, contact them directly: 

  • King's Printer;
  • Yukon Water Board;
  • Yukon Beringia Interpretive Centre;
  • Whitehorse Public Library;
  • Land Lease;
  • Fleet Vehicle Agency; 
  • Yukon Housing Corporation; and
  • Yukon Liquor Corporation.

Payment options

Choose from the following payment options to pay all other government invoices.


Pay a government invoice

In person

Bring the government invoice you received to the Inquiry and cash desk, 2071 Second Avenue, Whitehorse.

We are open Monday through Friday from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.

We accept cash, credit card, cheque or debit. Find our location on a map

At a financial institution

Most Canadian financial institutions accept invoice payments.

You can pay your government invoice through online or mobile banking by using the 6-digit account number listed on your invoice.

By phone

You can pay your government invoice by credit card by phoning 867-667-5343 or toll free in the Yukon 1-800-661-0408. 

By mail

Send in a copy of your invoice with a cheque made out to the Government of Yukon.

Government of Yukon
Department of Finance (B-1)
Box 2703
Whitehorse, Yukon
Y1A 2C6

Email [email protected] or phone 867-471-0799, if you have a question about:

  • an invoice you received from Government of Yukon; or
  • the current status of your account.

Government of Yukon GST number

R10744 2840 


For questions about paying a government invoice email [email protected] or phone 867-471-0799 or toll free in the Yukon 1-800-661-0408 and ask for Financial Operations.

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