Funding for organizations
Organizations can receive funding to:
- help people develop job skills or find work;
- provide support to employers;
- connect employers to people looking for jobs; and
- coordinate community and sector training funds.
Support for employers
The program helps employers:
- fill job vacancies;
- train and develop employees; and
- retain workers for long-term success.
Support for job seekers
The program connects people looking for jobs through:
- training opportunities;
- job search assistance; and
- employment supports.
Program goals
The goals are to:
- improve job seekers’ success and help them become self-sufficient;
- reduce job vacancy rates and speed up hiring;
- increase labour market participation and success for:
- Yukon First Nations citizens;
- youth ages 16 to 35;
- workers over the age of 50;
- persons with disabilities;
- newcomers to Canada; and
- women in trades and technology;
- create and share labour market information for job seekers and employers; and
- participate in activities and evaluations that shape yearly labour market priorities.
For projects starting after April 1, 2025, proposals must demonstrate expertise, availability, and willingness to participate in a network of providers.
Any employer can apply for program funding unless you represent a:
- federal, provincial or territorial government; or
- crown corporation.
First Nations governments
First Nations governments are eligible. They may also request funding for labour market initiatives on a government-to-government basis.
At the time of enrollment, participants must:
- be 16 years or older;
- be legally allowed to work in Canada; and
- not be in the public school system, except for the Individual Learning Centre.
Services for employers
We can help employers:
- build human resources capacity, staff training and development plans;
- access and use recruiting services like Canada Job Bank; and
- apply for funding under Staffing UP.
Services for individuals
We help individuals:
- find and maintain employment with services like:
- resume and interview coaching;
- job search assistance; and
- access to labour market information;
- access employment and career counselling;
- with work action plan development and case management;
- with training opportunities to build:
- life skills;
- skills for success; and
- vocational skills;
- connect with existing programs from other providers or funders;
- with entrepreneurial support for those who want to become self-employed; and
- access services specialized in supporting equity-seeking groups.
Projects that connect employers to jobseekers
We help organizations with:
- researching and distributing labour market information;
- labour market projects and programs such as:
- developing industry or sector-specific strategies;
- developing and delivering employer networking events; and
- evaluating existing offerings and processes.
Coordinate community or sector labour market funding
We help manage and distribute funds to provide training services or supports to:
- individuals;
- employers; and
- other organizations.
Eligible costs
Funding may cover the fair market value of project costs, such as:
- project delivery for staffing and participants;
- operating and overhead; and
- administration.
Location of work and travel
Depending on your services, you may need to travel within the territory. Occasional travel to other areas for research and conferences may also be needed.
Your proposal should include:
- who it benefits: employers, individuals or both;
- services provided: detail the specific services;
- service model: explain how your service will operate;
- success measures: how you define and measure success;
- engagement with Yukon First Nations: outline your efforts for engagement you’ve done with Yukon First Nations; and
- service integration: describe how your service will work with other services.
Your proposal should clearly show how success is defined and measured.
In your proposal, you should consider:
- What is the story of your project?
- What does a day in the project life look like for the participant?
- What are the beneficial outcomes of your project for the community and the labour market?
Measuring success
The success measures for individuals are based on the number of people served. This includes the number of:
- Action Plans that are developed that identify specific labour market goals;
- completed Action Plan activities, including completed formal training or course work;
- people who show progress towards these goals or towards labour market self-sufficiency;
- people who get vocational qualifications or certificates;
- people who demonstrate improvement in skills for success; and
- people who become employed to their capacity in a job that meets their individual needs.
Success measures for employers include:
- the number of people served, including how many:
- develop and document new plans for:
- human resources;
- staff training; and
- development;
- create work opportunities for members of equity-seeking groups; and
- fill vacancies because of their work with the service provider.
- develop and document new plans for:
- longer term desirable outcomes include:
- a decrease in the number of unfilled jobs that are posted;
- a decrease in turn-around times from vacancy to hiring;
- an increased representation in the labour market of equity-seeking groups.
All funded projects require financial and activity reporting.
If your proposal is accepted, we’ll create a transfer payment agreement. This will include:
- reporting requirements and templates;
- the budget and payment schedule; and
- conditions that need to be met to receive funding.
Your ability to provide timely reports is part of our evaluation. We recommend including details about your reporting capacity in your proposal.
- Contact us at [email protected]. We'll help you develop your application.
- After we've come up with a plan together, complete your application.
- Submit your application.
In person: by appointment
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 867-667-5906
Toll free: 1-800-661-0408 extension 5906
If you have questions, email [email protected] or phone 867-667-5906. Phone toll free in the Yukon 1-800-661-0408 extension 5906.