Students or parents can submit an appeal to the Education Appeal Tribunal when they're unhappy with decisions made by the:
- Department of Education;
- school; or
- school council.
The tribunal considers the following matters:
- identification of a student’s special needs;
- implementation of an Individualized Education Plan (IEP);
- student suspensions; and
- locally developed courses of study.
The tribunal is an independent, quasi-judicial body established under Section 157 of the Education Act. The tribunal's decisions are final and legally binding.
What to expect
Upon receipt of the application, it will be presented to the tribunal for the following steps:
- It will be confirmed whether the appeal is within the jurisdiction of the Education Appeal Tribunal.
- A copy of the written appeal and a summary will be provided to all parties within 10 days; this includes the Department of Education.
- The Department will be provided an opportunity to respond in writing to the appeal within 10 days.
- The tribunal will always invite parties to consider mediation before setting up a hearing on the matter.
Hearings follow formal procedures and rules of order.
How to submit your appeal
Preparing your appeal:
- Think about the reasons you're appealing.
- Write out the reasons for the appeal. Keep a copy for yourself.
- Submit your appeal by email: [email protected]
Want to learn more?
Visit the Education Appeal Tribunal to learn more about:
- mandate;
- authority;
- memberships; and
- how to become a member of the board.
If you have questions, email [email protected] or phone 867-336-8426.