Find out about Land Titles fees

These are the fees for services under the Yukon Land Titles Act, 2015.

Fees for services provided by the Land Titles Office are set by the Land Titles Tariff of Fees Regulation.

Read the Land Titles Office payment and refund policy.

Service Fee
Application to registers a transfer and issue a certificate of title  
(a) Where the declared value of the land being transferred is less than $100,000 $50 Plus assurance fund fee
(b) Where the declared value of the land being transferred is $100,000 or greater and less than $500,000 $150 Plus assurance fund fee
(c) Where the declared value of the land being transferred is $500,000 or greater and less than $3,000,000 $350 Plus assurance fund fee
(d) Where the declared value of the land being transferred is $3,000,000 or greater and less than $10,000,000 $550 Plus assurance fund fee
(e) Where the declared value of the land being transferred is $10,000,000 or greater $750 Plus assurance fund fee

Assurance Fund Fee

The assurance fund fee is $20 for the 1st $10,000, plus $10 for each $10,000 or portion thereof, of additional declared value since the last transfer was registered or title was issued.

  • To be registered as a surviving joint tenant
  • For a certificate of life estate
  • For a certificate of leasehold title
  • For transmission of a mortgage or financial encumbrance on death of encumbrance holder
  • For transmission of title to a personal representative on death of an owner
Mortgages or financial encumbrances  
Register a mortgage or financial encumbrance  
(a) Where the value of the mortgage or financial charge is less than $100,000 $50
(b) Where the value of the mortgage or financial charge is $100,000 or greater and less than $500,000 $100
(c)Where the value of the mortgage or financial charge is $500,000 or greater and less than $1,000,000 $200
(d)Where the value of the mortgage or financial charge is $1,000,000 or greater and less than $5,000,000 $400
(e)Where the declared value of the land being transferred is $5,000,000 or greater and less than $10,000,000 $600
(f)Where the value of the mortgage or financial charge is $10,000,000 or greater and less than $20,000,000 $800
(g) Where the value of the mortgage or financial charge is $20,000,000 or greater $1,000
Other registrations  


  • An amendment to a mortgage or financial encumbrance
  • A postponement or priority agreement
  • An easement
  • A surrender of easement or restrictive covenant
  • A declaration of a building scheme
  • A maintenance order under the Maintenance Enforcement Act
  • A withdrawal of maintenance order
  • A development agreement
  • A party wall agreement
  • A transfer of caveat
  • A withdrawal of caveat
  • A note on a certificate of title that a caveat has lapsed
  • A grant of letters probate or administration
  • A discharge of declaration of building scheme
  • Any other document not otherwise specifically listed in this schedule


  • A transfer of a mortgage, encumbrance or charge
  • A lease
  • A discharge of mortgage
  • A surrender of lease


  • A builders lien under the Builders Lien Act
  • A discharge of builders lien
  • A power of attorney

Register a transmission of title pursuant to a tax lien under the Assessment and Taxation Act

$10 Plus assurance fund fee
Register a caveat $6


  • A court order (for example, a foreclosure order, vesting order, bankruptcy order, certificate of pending litigation, employment standards certificate and supplementary certificate)
  • A discharge of a court order

Register a court order as a transfer

$9 Plus $2 for each certificate of title including common property certificate created by the declaration
  • Application to create a condominium including registration of declaration, bylaws, plan and disclosure statement (if required)
  • Application to register an amendment to a declaration including plan and disclosure statement (if required), where the amendment creates new certificates of title


Plus $2 for each certificate of title including common property certificate created by the declaration

Application to terminate a condominium


Register an amendment to bylaws of a condominium corporation


Application to register an amendment to a declaration (where no new certificates of title are created)


Register a condominium lien

Other services  

Providing a copy of a certificate of title


Providing a copy of a registered instrument


Providing a general register certificate

$1.50 per name

Request to change a name on title


Any application or request not specifically listed in this schedule

Application to register a plan of subdivision including a consolidation or enlargement plan


Plus $2 per title created by the plan

Request to correct an omission, clerical error or other defect in a registered plan


Register field notes for a registered plan of survey other than by Government of Canada or Government of Yukon


The Land Titles Office can provide you with an Excel spreadsheet to assist you in calculating registration fees for transfers and mortgages and assurance fund fees.

How to pay

Under the Yukon Land Titles Act, 2015, the Land Titles Office is required to receive payment for services before providing any service.

You can pay by:

  • opening a prepaid account;
  • cheque;
  • credit card;
  • cash; or
  • debit card.

Prepaid account

Customers may pay fees by setting up a prepaid account with the Land Titles Office. There will not be a minimum balance required to maintain your prepaid account. However, to open your account, a payment or authorization for payment of $25 minimum will be required. Once your prepaid account is open, you’ll be able to log on to the Yukon Land Titles Registry to “top up” the amount held in your prepaid account. The balance you keep in your account will be entirely at your discretion. For more information about how to open a prepaid account, refer to the User Account Administration Manual.

Deliver your documents to us

We provide a drop box outside the doors to the Registry. Copies of the most used forms can also be found outside our doors.

If you leave your forms in our drop box, you can include a cheque. If you bring your forms into the Registry, you can pay by any payment method using our point of sale terminal. 


The Registry is open Monday to Friday (except statutory holidays) from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at 2134 2nd Avenue in Whitehorse. 

Phone: 867-667-5612, or toll free in Yukon 1-800-661-0408, extension 5614

Fax: 867-393-6358

Email: [email protected]

Government of Yukon
Land Titles Office (J-2A)
Box 2703,
Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2C6

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