You can apply to enlarge your existing titled property.
You can apply to enlarge your lot if:
- you're 19 years of age or older;
- there's vacant public land next to your lot;
- you can show a need to increase the size of your existing property; and
- the proposed enlargement meets all land-related:
- laws;
- regulations;
- policies; and
- the local area plan, if applicable.
Choosing a site
You can use our GeoYukon interactive map to select a location for your proposed lot enlargement.
Ensure the land is available and does not overlap:
- Settlement Land;
- a titled parcel; or
- other conflicting uses.
View land and property layers on GeoYukon
You can get help with GeoYukon at:
- a Compliance, Monitoring and Inspections office; or
- the Land Management Branch, located at 320-300 Main Street in Whitehorse. Our office is open Monday through Friday from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.
The maximum size of a lot enlargement must not exceed the size of the existing lot. And, the overall size of the new lot must be less than 3.99 hectares. Usually, the site must be set back a minimum of 60 metres from a lake or large waterbody and 10 metres from a creek.
Ensure your site meets the criteria in our lot enlargement policy.
Apply for the land
- Download, complete and sign the application form.
- Include with your application:
- a detailed, to-scale site plan, including the location, size and features of the existing and proposed lot;
- location map;
- a copy of the Certificate of Title for the existing lot; and
- proof that your property taxes are paid.
- We recommend you review your application with our staff. We can help ensure your application is complete and the land you chose is suitable. You can visit us at:
- a Compliance, Monitoring and Inspections office; or
- the Land Management Branch, located at 320-300 Main Street in Whitehorse. Our office is open Monday through Friday from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.
- Submit your application with an application fee of $25 plus 5 per cent GST. You can do this when you meet with our staff to go over your application.
A subdivision fee of $100 plus 5 per cent GST is applied to applications outside of Dawson City and Whitehorse. For fee information inside 1 of these municipalities, you must contact their municipal office.
Timeline for decision
Review of your application includes consultation with First Nations and public engagement. You may require an environmental and socioeconomic review by the Yukon Environmental and Socio-economic Assessment Board. We'll tell you if you need to complete a designated office assessment.
It typically takes 12 to 24 months to reach a decision on your application. Throughout the process, we'll be in touch:
- to keep you up to date on the progress of your application; and
- if we need clarification.
After you receive our decision
- After we make a decision about your application, we'll mail you a decision letter.
- If we approve your application, we complete a market value assessment and tell you the price of the land.
- If you accept the price, we'll send you an agreement for sale to sign.
- You return the signed agreement and pay a 20 per cent deposit of the full purchase price.
- Then we'll sign the agreement and provide you with a final signed copy for your records.
- You're responsible for land survey costs and must pay the outstanding balance of the purchase price within 1 year.
If we deny your application
We'll notify you in the decision letter. You can appeal the decision.
Our client services staff can assist you with any questions. Contact the Land Management Branch. Phone 867-667-5215 or email [email protected].